Chapter 3: Well....

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Okay so I can't see anything for Chapter 2, but if I view it as a reader, I can see the whole chapter. Can you guys see it?

Your POV
Defense Against the Dark Arts. I smiled slightly at the bold letters printed on my schedule. If I was being honest, it seemed like it would be interesting. I made my way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and looked around for a familiar face. I caught Hermione's eye and she smiled. I took that as an invitation to sit with her. Professor Moody wasn't here yet, so I took the opportunity to ask her a few questions. "So what exactly is this class like?"
"With each teacher it's been different. First year was Professor Quirrel, who had Voldemort on the back of his head." I widened me eyes at the use of Voldemort's name. I thought- never mind. She continued, oblivious to my surprise.
"Second year was Lockhart." She wrinkled her nose in digest. "He was a real airhead. He later lost his memory. Third year was Professor Lupin. He was probably the only real teacher we have had." I nodded my head slowly. I heard the sound of footsteps, and turned to face the front of the class. Moody wrote "Alastor Moody" on the board. With every stroke of each letter, he said,
"Ministry malcontent. And your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story. Any questions?" He searched the class for any raised hands, and seeing none, he resumed his little speech. "When it comes to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" Both Hermione and I raised our hands. He pointed to her.
"Yes, Miss Granger?"
"Three, sir."
Moody gave her a curt nod. "And they are so named....?"
"Because they are unforgivable. Use any one of them will-"
"Earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban! Correct! Now, the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses will do. I say different! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared, you need to find somewhere else to out your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk Mr. Finnigan!" Finnigan pouted.
"Aw, no way. The old codger can see out of the back of his head!" Moody threw the chalk at him.
"What curse shall we see first, hm? WEASLEY!" Mad Eye yelled at poor Ron, who jumped.
"Give us a curse." He didn't even bother to say please. Wow.
"Well, my dad told me about one. The Imperious Curse?" The last part was more of a question than an answer. Moody nodded slowly. "Ah yes. Your father would know all about that. Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years back. This might show you why." He opened a jar with a spider in it. Then he cast the curse, sending it around the room. "Don't worry, it's perfectly harmless. But if she bites- she lethal!" He moved the spider closer to Ron, then landed it on me, and I winced. He then sent it scurrying over to Malfoy's face, and he freaked out.
"Talented, isn't she? What should I have her do next? Jump out the window? Drown herself? Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's being under the influence of the imperious curse. But here's the rub, how do you you sort out the liars? Another. Come on, Longbottom it is? Up." Neville, I believe his name was, stood up. "Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology?," Moodt questioned. I had a bad feeling about what's coming. I don't like this.
"There's the... um.... the Cruciatus curse."
"Correct! Particularly nasty. The torture curse." Mad Eye cast the spell and begin torturing the spider. Neville looked as though he was going to cry. I couldn't stand it any longer. I knew about what happened to his parents. I knew the name Longbottom and understood his pain.
"Please stop! Can't you see that it's bothering him?" Mad Eye had a double take as he saw me standing up.
"Ah, Miss.... Gryffindor." I gave the professor an annoyed look.
"Seriously?" I asked in annoyed disbelief. Moody continued.
"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse? I believe you know much about it." I glared at him and muttered through gritted teeth.
"The killing curse."
"Right, and only one person has been known to survive it, and he is in this very classroom. Every eye turned to Harry. Moody then killed the spider. Class ended soon after. I packed up my bags, and Hermione, Ron, and Harry followed me.
"I don't understand," Hermione said. "He called you "Miss Gryffindor". I thought your last name was L/N!" I turned to face the three of them, and sighed heavily. "That was my mother's name. I'm the last descendant of Godric Gryffindor. And-" I hesitated. Harry seemed to sense my hesitation, and he said, "And?" I closed my eyes, and sighed again.
"Can I trust you guys?" They all nodded furiously. "Alright then. My mother is a veela. This makes me a half veela which with the blood of Godric Gryffindor in me. So, naturally, I'm more...attractive than a normal girl my age." They all looked surprised. Hermione finally said something. "Well, this is definitely interesting, but that doesn't change the fact that I still want to be friends with you." Ron nodded. Harry nodded and said, "I'm not surprised about your veela heritage. I mean, I thought you were a veela when I first met you." He immediately blushed crimson, and I flushed a light pink. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hermione and Ron looking at each other, and then they sighed and facepalmed. I smiled gently. "Well, thank you." After the rest of our classes, we walked to the common room in a comfortable silence, but before entering the common room, I thought of something. "I haven't really gotten to meet anyone yet. Do you think... Could you introduce me?" They all happily obliged.
We walked over to a pair of twins with fiery red hair like Ron.
"Hey 'Mione. Oh hello, beautiful, I haven't seen you before," They chimed simultaneously. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at their flirting.
"Y/N, these two are George and Fred Weasley. George and Fred, this is Y/N Gryffindor. She's a transfer from Beauxbatons and she's in her fourth year." Surprisingly, they weren't very curious about my last name.
"I'm George," the one on the right said.
"As you must have already guessed, I'm Fred," the other one smiled at me, and kissed my hand. I smiled at them. They seemed nice.
"We'll introduce you!" I smiled and nodded, thinking that they would take me around the room. I was unpleasantly surprised when they dragged me up to the center of the room, and shouted at the top of their lungs,
"OI! THIS IS Y/N GRYFFINDOR! SHE'S A TRANSFER FROM BEAUXBATONS AND IS IN HER FOURTH YEAR!" I facepalmed. And they looked at me with innocent expressions. I sighed through my nose.
"By "introduce", I didn't mean shout out my name for the entire common room to hear!"
Fred wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Sorry, love, but what's done is done." I groaned.
5 hours later.....
Finally I can go to bed. I curled up under the covers, and fell asleep surprisingly quickly.

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