Beach Reflections

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Joyce removed her shoes and placed them on her right-hand side. Her toes were wet as they sunk into the shore. She wanted to lay down, but her rigid bones were not as flexible as they once were so she decided to remain sitting down.

"Do you have any news on the election?" Joyce asked Emily. "Have they voted yet?"

"They had a vote," Emily responded. "But Empress Fee demanded another one."


"Because only 25% of the population decided to vote. This year, the Legend Party won the majority, but only by 1%. It's pretty much a tie."

"And if the second vote comes with another inconclusive result, then the Black Dogs are in a strong position: they can take the throne for themselves."

"They didn't seem interested," Joyce said to Hon. "They just looked like fairies who wanted to have fun.

"Fun at other people's expense," Hon groaned. "Queen Suzy has her eyes on the prize. After the disastrous debates, we might see our monarchy collapse before our very own eyes."

"Maybe it won't be such a bad idea," Emily admitted. "Then we won't have to steal so much."

"She's no different to other crooks out there," Hon insisted. "Which is why any fairy with an ounce of intelligence would be supporting Fiddle Scotch and the Cascade Party."

Emily bit her lip and went over to Joyce. It was futile to debate on politics at the beach. "I suppose you'll have to start heading back soon."

"Back where?" Joyce asked, raising her eyebrow. Her fingertips were sinking in the sand.


"What home? Cup-And-Saucer Street or Emerald Oasis?"

"Emerald Oasis of course," Emily sighed, "You can't live here."

"I could."

"I'd like to know where?" Hon asked. "You can't afford to live in hotels and guests houses if that's what you're planning."

"What about hostels? They're cheap/"

"I don't think hostels are wise," Hon advised. "Far too crowded. Triple bunk beds! Some of the hostels are very dirty."

"He has a point," Emily said. "You won't be able to live comfortably like that."

Hon jumped into Joyce's lap. "It would make your family very restless if you didn't return home soon."

"They won't care," Joyce sulked. "I'm nothing but a burden to them anyway."

Rita and Ivy stopped splashing about and approached Joyce's knees.

"I think they would be sad if they found out you've escaped," Rita said. "All the other fairies would miss you."

"They've got their own lives," Joyce said, coming onto her knees. "They don't need me anymore. Nor do my friends."

Emily gasped. "Where has this come from?"

"I thought escaping from the home would be fun," Joyce admitted as she marched into the sea. The waters were cold, but she endured it. "Now I've remembered things I wish I could forget."

"We've been though this at the chapel," Hon reminded her, straining his voice. "You can't change the past, but you can prepare for the future."

"I have no future!" Joyce sighed. "Sure, the home is a beautiful place, but it's not my home... I don't even know where home is."

Emily flew onto Joyce's shoulder. "There's a human saying that home is where the heart is."

"I don't know where my heart is."

"What do you mean?" Hon hissed. "It's in your chest."

"Not that sort of heart," Emily said. "They meant it as your soul I think."

"For years it's been Blackpool," Joyce cried. "Now, I'm not so sure anymore. I feel so depressed and empty, and I don't even know why."

"Perhaps it's a sign," Emily said. "A sign you should go back. There's another bus going to your village. Or you can book a taxi with the money Rodger gave you."

"I don't feel like going home."

"Well you can't stop here all day," Hon huffed. "Your body will lock up and you won't be able to move."

"I can."

"Now you're acting like a child."

"I'd love to be a child again," Joyce wished. She gazed at the lady under the pier. She tumbled onto the sand, got herself on her feet and chased after the lady. Red silk floated around her body as black silky hair swayed side to side.

It was the woman from the dream she had after her big fall. It was possible that it could have been all false. An illusion. A dream within a dream. She could still be in a coma. Or perhaps her mind was playing a cruel trick on her. An inception. Nothing she knew was the world she knew anymore. The woman turned around, it was Janine's face.


Joyce pounced with her arms wide open. The moment the red brushed on her fingertips. Janine had gone. Her face hovered – Janine was nowhere to be found.

"Joyce!" Emily cried out. "What's the matter?"

"I saw Janine! But she just...vanished!"

"She hasn't had her tablets," Hon explained to Emily. "That's why she's acting strangely. She has them in the morning to stop her hallucinations."

"What can we do?" Emily asked.

"Don't know," Ivy interrupted, holding onto her dress. "I can't see any buses coming."

"We must keep on trying to persuade her to go home," Hon advised. "It's the best place for her."

"I'm not going home," Joyce shouted. "Not until I find Janine. There is so much more that I want to see."

"You can see it another time," Emily suggested. "Please, you're soaked. Wait...what are you doing? Don't go back into the sea. Any closer and might drown!"

Joyce giggled, waving her arms around. "I think I'll go for a nice swim."

"NO!" Emily wailed, pulling Joyce back. She looked over to the other fairies. "Help me please. And call the others!"

"Let me go," Joyce requested, shaking her shoulders. "I'll be okay."

"How long has it been since you last went swimming?"

"Five years ago."

Emily squealed, losing grip of Joyce's white shirt. Hon charged in front of Joyce and worked together with the other fairies to bring Joyce safely towards the shore. Joyce shivered and crawled towards the golden sand, rolled over and slept.

"We've done our best," Hon announced. "We must go. The lifeguards are coming. They'll take care of her."

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