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"Stefanie, please tell me why you are going to Germany of all places to finish off your career," Stefanie Bauer's mom asks while her daughter is frantically packing. She stops and looks at her mom with an are you fucking serious face.
"Mom, for the millionth time, it's because Dortmund University gave me a scholarship to help me get my aerospace engineering degree. I don't know why you are so worried about this, I'm 24, have a degree in photography, nearly fluent in German, and perfectly capable of taking care of myself for the next however many years it will take me to graduate," she says as she goes back to her packing.
"Honey, yes I trust you, but who will pay for your tuition and apartment? I'm back here and your dad is where the hell he is. Are you sure you will be capable to do this?"
Stefanie turns to her mom and grabs her hands. "Mom, you have been the best mom in the world; you have taught me to be a woman, and now it's time for me to use that knowledge and begin my life. Ok? And about my tuition and apartment fees, I will find a way."
She didn't know, however, that this experience would change her life.

So it Goes : Erik Durm 🗸Where stories live. Discover now