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The pair take the last available table and sit across from each other. After a couple of minutes of awkward silence, Erik clears his throat, "So, um, tell me about yourself."

Stefanie takes a sip of her drink, " Honestly, there is not much to talk about, my life story is not that interesting."

"I think it will be," Erik says, before turning red and trying to elaborate, "I mean, I've never met a Canadian before, so-"

Stefanie giggles, "Ok fine, but tell me when I start boring you."

She takes one last sip of her drink then starts to talk, "So. I was born in Vancouver to a teacher and a car mechanic. I had two older brothers at that time, so I was the youngest. I don't remember much from there because we moved across the country to Montreal when I was 2. My dad wanted to start a car repair shop, and he found a good deal. His business boomed, but over the years it went down, until, when I was 10, he had to close down. Afterwards, he became an alcoholic and gambler, trying to get as much money as possible to repay the loans he took out. After two years, my mom had enough, so she took me and the remaining money in our savings account, and moved to Toronto. We were financially unstable throughout my life in middle school, but then my mom got a stable teaching job, and that wasn't a problem anymore when I got to high school. During middle school, I developed a love for photography because I was depressed, but with photography I saw the good and beautiful in the world. It kind of gave me hope for the future. So when I turned 16, my mom got me a professional camera, since I was using a crappy one where you had to keep replacing the film roll. I started taking pictures for my school's newspaper sports section, but it's not like this job. I was stuck in the bleachers taking picture, and not up close. I decided to pursue a career in photography, so I graduated with a major in that, but also a minor in math. I got a job photographing for the London Knights hockey team after I graduated, but I realized that how much I was earning wouldn't be enough to keep me financially stable. I then applied for a job photographing for the Toronto Maple Leafs, but since my pay was less, after a season and a half I went back to the Knights. Finally I had enough, so I decided to try to become an aerospace engineer. I sent in a request for a scholarship to Dortmund University, and now I'm here."

There is a silence between them, then Erik starts talking. "So your dad," Erik begins, "Have you heard from him?"

Stefanie looks away from him, "No, and I'm glad he's out of my life. He would have ruined it if my mom stayed with him in Montreal."

There is another silence. Stefanie tries to forget about the question Erik asked, so she decides to give him a taste of his own medicine. "So how about you, Mr. Professional Fußball Player," she says with a smirk, "I want to hear your life story."

Erik sighs, "I knew you were going to say that. I was born in Pirmasens, which is south of here, near the French border. I started playing fußball when I was 3 and been playing since. There isn't much more, most of my childhood memories have some form of fußball in them. Um, I've played on many different teams, and I play for the German National Team, too. And I won the World Cup with them back in 2014, that was an experience," he chuckles, "And...I've been with BVB since 2012, so many of these guys are like family. So yeah, that's pretty much it."

Stefanie nods, realizing that he's done so much more than she has, and they are the same age.

Erik takes a swing of his beer. He places it down and looks up at Stefanie, "So, do you do any sports?"

"I used to play hockey when I lived in Montreal," she says, "Other than that, no."

Erik's eyes widen, "Not even fußball?"

"I've never played in my life."

"Ok, wow, that needs to change," Erik says with a chuckle.

"I came here to have a good time," Stefanie begins, "And I honestly feel attacked. It's not my fault that I've never played fußball before; I come from Canada, and we are obsessed with hockey. Plus having two older brothers who were playing hockey meant I had to follow in their footsteps."

Erik starts laughing at Stefanie's words, and she can't help but join along. His laugh sounds amazing, she thinks, and he looks super cute too, wait, why am I thinking these things?

After several more seconds of laughing, Erik looks over to her, "So, what else should we talk about?"


They talk for an hour about anything that would pop into their minds: music, movies, food, books, Marvel vs DC (both say Marvel is better), travel, hobbies, and more. Stefanie is feeling more and more comfortable with Erik, so she decides to talk about a topic that is much deeper.

"So," she says, "What fears do you have?"

Erik thinks about the question for a couple of seconds then sighs, "The thing is, when I play fußball, I get so many injuries. I'm just worried that one injury would be my last, and I wouldn't be able to play anymore. I know it sounds weird-"

"No," Stefanie interrupts, "I-I get you. If I got injured and I couldn't do the things that I love...I wouldn't know what to do."

Erik nods, "Well, I thought that I was going to sound crazy when I told you that, but I'm glad you know what I mean." Erik pauses. "What other fears do you have?"

Stefanie looks away to the house where she could see people on the dancefloor. She sighs, "Seeing my father again."

Erik nods once again, not wanting to push the sensitive topic further. They fall into another awkward silence, only filled by the muffled music coming from inside. A cold breeze blows through and Stefanie shivers, even though she rarely gets cold. Eriks sees this, so he takes off his jacket and stands up, walking over to her. He gently places the jacket on her shoulders, and she looks up. They make eye contact, but then Stefanie remembers something and shrugs the jacket off.

"I'm sorry," she says standing up, "I-I have to go." She walks away, leaving a confused Erik, and walks back inside. She finds Isabel talking to Christian, and taps her shoulder.

She looks up, "Hey, how are you doing? Where's Erik?"

Stefanie looks down, "I-I'm not feeling well, and I need a ride back."
Isabel nods, "It's late anyway." She gets up and hugs Christian. "Bye Chris."

"Bye Isa, see you tomorrow," he says with a smile.

Isabel starts walking and Stefanie follows her. As she is about to walk out, she turns around, feeling someone's eyes on her. She looks and spots Erik, watching her with an unreadable expression. She quickly turns around and catches up to Isabel, thinking about the fear she didn't tell him about: 


So it Goes : Erik Durm 🗸Where stories live. Discover now