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Stefanie has been going to school for almost three weeks. She already has a lot of work to do, and Erik tries to help her as much as possible. She picked her classes in a way that it doesn't interrupt with practices, but sometimes she has a lab or another class-related event, and has to miss practice. She missed the two previous games because of her homework load and since they were away games. Although she wanted to go, Linda scolded her and told her to stay home and focus on her career. Stefanie admits that the homework she has is a lot, but she loves the calculations she has to make, especially the physics ones. That was her favorite subject back in high school (along with math), so she is glad that she has to use it so much.

During that time she has seen Erik almost everyday, coming right after practice to just be in her presence if she is busy with work. He is amazed at how smart she is, and believes that she will make an amazing aerospace engineer.

It is a Friday evening, and Erik is currently over at Stefanie's flat. He has a home game the next day, so he wants to hang out with her just in case Linda doesn't allow her to go. He is playing with Thor, while Stefanie is doing her German history homework with Loki sitting in her lap. She encounters a questions that she doesn't remember the answer of, so she decides to ask Erik.

"Hey Erik?" She calls.

"Ja, süße?"

Stefanie feels her cheeks redden at the nickname, so she turns back to her paper before Erik could see her slightly red face. She looks back at the question, "Do you know when Germany became a united nation?"

Stefanie hears Erik sigh and walk over to her. He places his hand on her shoulder, and looks down at her paper.

"I think it was 1871," he says, scratching the back of his neck.

Stefanie thanks him, and starts to write down the answer. Loki, awake from his nap, jumps onto the desk and lays across the papers. Stefanie pokes him with her pen to move, but he doesn't budge.

Erik laughs while petting the black cat, "Well, I guess he's saying in his own unique way that you need a break."

Stefanie laughs as well, putting her pen down and scooching out of the desk area. "I really want to get this done, though. The last time I went to one of your games was, like, three weeks ago. I'm worried Linda won't let me go if I don't finish my work."

Stefanie has a pout on her face, but decides that she does need a break. She sighs and walks over to the couch, plopping face down on it. Thor jumps up next to her, climbs on her back, and sits down.

Erik tries stifling a laugh and takes his phone out, "Don't move."

He takes the picture and takes the cat off Stefanie's back. She turns around, laughing, "You gotta send that to me."

"Of course, schatz."


After successfully convincing Linda to let Stefanie shoot the game, and a successful game on Erik's part, the two are back in Stefanie's apartment watching A New Hope for what seems the millionth time. The two are chilling on the couch when Stefanie has an idea.

"Hey Erik?" She asks the warmth next to her.


"We should prank some people."


With those five words, Stefanie, Erik, and the pranking mastermind, Roman, find themselves in the locker room the next day. Practice starts in about in hour, so the trio have plenty of time to do their prank. Their target: Marco.

So it Goes : Erik Durm 🗸Where stories live. Discover now