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It is currently 8:00 the next day and Stefanie just got out of bed. She realizes the time, so she rushes through her morning routine. She gives Thor and Loki food, before heading to her closet to dress. She grabs a dark green crop top, grey joggers, a denim jacket, and some white Adidas. She puts her hair in a ponytail, letting the long strands flow behind her. Stefanie has packed already, so she makes herself a quick breakfast while waiting for Erik. She has asked the kind lady across the hall from her to take care of the cats, and thankfully, she accepted.

Stefanie sits down on the couch, drinking her coffee. She starts to scroll through her Instagram feed, and sees a DM from one of her hockey player friends back in Canada. She spends a couple of minutes talking to him, and blushes when he asks about any special people. She thinks of Erik, and gets a text from him saying that he is 5 minutes away. She responds to him, then goes back to texting her friend. They are joking around when she hears a knock at the door.

"It's open," she shouts, too lazy to go and open the door herself. She texts her friend that she needs to go, and they say their goodbyes. Going back to her Instagram feed, she feels the couch dip to her left. She looks up and sees Erik, with his phone out. He looks over at her, imitating her position

"Are you imitating me?" She asks with a laugh.

"Noooo," he says, drinking from an imaginary cup of coffee.

Stefanie laughs and pushes him, "Stop, you're so mean."

Erik pushes her back, and they push each other back and forth until Stefanie pokes his hair.

He fake gasps and screams, "YOU DIDN'T."

Stefanie gets up and starts running in the small area, "Oh yes I did."

Erik gets up as well and starts chasing her. She doesn't get far, since her flat is small, and he corners her at the door.

"This is what you get for touching my hair," he says with a smirk. He starts tickling her, and she tries to wiggle of of his grasp, but it's too strong. Finally, she escapes and runs back to the couch. Right before she could fortify herself with pillows, Erik catches her and picks her up from behind.

Stefanie wiggles in his grip, "Let go!"


Erik takes her to the couch where he places her and continues to tickle her. She continues to move away from him, so he decides to pin her arms down with one hand and tickle with the other. She screams, laughing at the same time. The two continue their game, until she realizes how close they currently are. She stops resisting, and a blush takes over her face. Erik, seeing that she stopped, stops tickling. All is quiet as the two look at each other, and Stefanie sees Erik's eyes flash down to her lips. They make eye contact once again and slowly lean towards each other. Stefanie feels Erik's breath on her lips when his phones goes off, jolting the two apart.

He groans, getting up and answering it. Stefanie gets back into a sitting position, and realizes that holy shit, we almost kissed. Trying to remove the evident blush from her face, she busies herself with fixing her outfit which got messed up during the tickle fight.

"Hey, Stef," Erik says catching her attention, "That was Marco. We need to go."

He offers her his hand and she gladly takes it, getting off the couch. She goes to where her backpack is and picks it up, throwing it on her shoulder. The pair walk out of the apartment and Stefanie locks the door. As they are walking towards the elevators, she feels Erik grab her hand. She smiles at him, and he smiles back, melting her heart.

They whole drive to the airport they keep their hands connected. Stefanie catches Erik looking at her, and when he sees that he is caught, he squeezes her hand. They finally make it to the airport, go through security, and get ready for the flight.

So it Goes : Erik Durm 🗸Where stories live. Discover now