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Hi it's the author here!

So this concludes my story "So it Goes..." and I know I said that it was done last chapter but honestly I needed to get this epilogue up since it had a lot of action. I completely changed my mind on a sequel since I think that I will not be capable on writing long books when school starts.

So I've decided that I will write song-based short stories that are up to 5 chapters in length, maybe a little less. Watch out for those coming soon, since I have a lot of ideas.

Thank you for reading my story that I've been working on for more than half a year, and I'm so sorry for disappearing so many times and not having the motivation and just overall being horrible at updating.

Please continue to vote and comment, your comments are always so lovely.

Danke sehr!!

So it Goes : Erik Durm 🗸Where stories live. Discover now