Interdimensional Teleportation(Part 2)

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My alarm blared from beside me, and I groaned as I reached over to shut it off.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed before launching myself out of bed and at my phone.

I fell to the carpeted floor with a thud and shut the annoying sound off.

Something felt off as I began to wake up more.

The carpet was supposed to be red, but the stuff I was laying on was dark blue.

I looked around disoriented before realizing that I was no longer in my room.

Memories that I deemed were not my own, began to fill my head as I jumped to my feet.

Looking down, I realized I was still in the outfit I put on for bed, but I had tanner skin.

I flexed my arms and realized my muscles were more visible too.

"Casey, come on, we got to go!" A familiar voice shouted before my door was flung open.

I locked eye contact with Jack Darby from Transformers, and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Uhh, where are we going?" I asked timidly as realization began to settle in.

"You are going backpacking with Roscoe," He laughed before leaving me to my thoughts without another word.

"Shit," I muttered.

'I wish I were in a different dimension,' The memory came back to me and I groaned.

"Fuck," I muttered and looked out of my open window.

Outside, a familiar Camaro sat with a motorcycle and hummer.

"Fuck my life, I'm in Transformers," I gasped and went over to where my memory showed I kept a hiking bag.

As I thought about what was happening, I packed all of my climbing gear and some extra supplies along with it.

"Okay, what time am I in?" I questioned out loud as I threw the bag over my shoulder.

I changed into a different set of clothes and hurried to the garage door.

I slipped on my military boots and marched into the garage where my white jeep awaited my presence.

"This can't be real," I said as I jumped in.

Throwing the jeep into reverse, I sped out of the driveway and down the road.

Memories of the Autobots going to the base came to mind, which gave me an idea.

'If I really am in an alternate dimension, I need to figure out what episode and how I'm supposed to play my role,' I admitted mentally.

"Shit on a stick!" I shouted and punched my horn.

The jeep gave an almighty beep as I turned off-road.

I began sketching out a mental plan as I got closer to the base.

Phase 1.) Climb to the top of the base mountain

Phase 2.) Hack into Ratchet's system and leave a warning

Phase 3.) Figure out the time stamp

Phase 4.) Play my role and get out!

Easy, four-phase plan.

Wait, one more thing.

Phase 5.) Avoid Decepticons at all cost!!!

I groaned distastefully but gaped in awe as the mountain covered my vehicle in a shadow.

I pulled up to the mountain, directly against the rock, and got out with my stuff.

Climbing onto the hood of my jeep, I made sure everything was adequately attached before jumping for the first ledge.

My fingers barely graze the ledge, but I managed to find a steady grip.

I looked around quickly for the next ledge and jumped to it.

Doing this for around four hundred more times, I began getting closer to the top.

My fingers ached tiredly as my body began to wear out.

"Almost there," I panted as I pulled myself up another ledge.

As I was climbing, I was still trying to determine whether or not this was a dream.

The pain running through my body indicated that this might not be a dream, but at the same time, Transformers are not real.

I tried to reason, but my mind couldn't create any other reason for me being where I am now.

Thankfully, my fingers grasped onto the mountain top ledge, and I was able to pull myself up and collapse against the warm sand.

My lungs wheezed in agony as I sat against a rock after taking my bag off.

I pulled my water bottle out and chugged half of the, still chilled, water.

The water soothed the burning in my throat, and I leaned against my knees while watching the sun begin to set.

"Country roads, take me home, to the place where I belong," I sang softly.

The suns orange rays displayed across the sky gave me a sense of yearning for the night to fall.

The farther the sun fell, the colder the air became.

"Shit," I muttered as I realized I never packed a sleeping bag.

I groaned but decided instead of sulking I could pull an all-nighter.

'Wait, if Jack woke me up this morning, how is it already night?' I mentally questioned.

My phone pinged with a message from my pocket, and I pulled it out to see it was from Jack.

'Hanging with some friends, what are you up to?' It said, and I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

I quickly realized that despite not noticing anything unusual, they were definitely watching me.

I ran a bunch of ideas through my head before picking out one of the worst.

Trust me, it's terrible.

'If I told you, you wouldn't believe me,' I sent back, and within moments my phone pinged with another message,

'Tell me.' Was all it said and I let out a deep breath,

'I was kidnapped by giant robots yesterday, and some dude named Megatron nearly killed me!' I sent and counted down on my fingers until he called me.

I picked up the call but said nothing.

"C, what happened?" He questioned shakily, and I sighed.

I had to play fearful but curious without giving away what I know.

"Buttscreamer kidnapped me while I was climbing and brought me to a giant ship in the sky, megadouche threatened me by saying I needed to give him an autoboot location," I lied perfectly with fake tears welling in my eyes.

I wiped off the tears and began shaking.

"I'm coming to get you," He stated, and people in the background began arguing.

I internally cheered as I realized they would likely take me in but faking over the phone and on camera is easier than in person, in front of people I respect.

'Fuck," I thought terrified as I hung up the phone.

The realization of everything hit me, and a loud scream left my mouth.

The ground shook beneath me as I couldn't stop screaming.

Something hard collided with the back of my head and my world turned black.

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