All Bayverse X The Avengers X OC X Optimus

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I flew into the main hanger as the bots transformed. I lost altitude and crashed into Optimus's Alt-Mode. "Ow..." I moaned. I sat up and slid off of Optimus. "Sorry Prime." I apologized as he transformed. "Apology accep-" He was cut off as Galloway stormed in. "Why is there a civilian?"

"I am no civilian Galloway," I stated. "Yeah and I'm the father of Tony Stark." He sassed. "Puh-Lease... You seriously don't know who I am?" I asked deadpanned. 'This guy is fucking stupid.' I thought to myself. "Who?" I walked to him holding my hand out. "The name's Alexis Barton Daughter of Clint Barton A.K.A. Hawkeye." I introduced myself as he visibly paled. "I'm so- s-s-sorry Ms. Barton." He apologized in fear. "Now goodbye." I used my telekinesis to throw him out into his helicopter. "Was that really necessary Alex?" Prime asked with amusement in his voice. "Indeed it was Optimus," I said making my voice the same low baritone as his. "It was quite the enjoyment." "Alex?" A really familiar voice asked. "Shit!" I turned around slowly as the Avengers looked at me pissed. "Uhhh... Hi?" 'Fuck I'm dead' "Alex why are you here with these things?" I glared at Tony. "They are not things they are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron. They are all males besides the shortest 3 they are females!" I growled as the bots looked at me shocked and amused? "But-" "If you say anything I'll put you in a room with our Weapons Specialist... Alone." Ironhide aimed his canons at Tony. "You feelin' lucky... Punk?"

"Nope, I'm good!" He yelled and ran the wrong way. "Sir where are you going?" I asked trying not to laugh. "Don't call me sir young lady." "Don't call me young lady, Ma'am." I mocked. "Don't mock me." "Don't talk to any women." "What are you gonna do about it?" He smirked. "I'll shove an arrow in your testicles and rip them out even ask Ironhide." "Also I will arrest you and make sure no bail is included even though it'd be useless cause any federal offense is no bail," I stated bluntly. "You wouldn't shoot me with an arrow your a girl." He retorted. "Oh Shit, uh... Optimus do something." Ironhide exclaimed and Optimus shook his head. "Nope." I grabbed my bow and two arrows and shot one at his leg and his left shoulder causing him scream in pain. "Like I said." "I'm a soldier I can do what I want when I want." "There is nothing good about you, you are no soldier, you pathetic girl!" Steve screamed as he tended to Tony and I glared at him as I tear fell down my cheek. "You're smart." A soldier spoke. "You are kind." "Brave." "Strong." I looked at them shocked as they continued. "Tough." "Like a daughter." Will added. "A best friend." Epps also added. "A Weapons Specialist." Ironhide put in. "A Medic and beautiful girlfriend," Ratchet added. "Someone who would take a bullet even for someone 30x your size." "A Warrior goddess." Spoke Wheelie. "A brave women." "An amazing hero who would lay down her life for even the worst villains or even a Decepticon." Director Mearing added pissed at Tony. "A true warrior." Sideswipe and Sunstreaker added together.  "A Prime." Optimus said with a rare look of anger towards Tony as the bots looked shocked. "A true Soldier." Added President Obama and I looked at him shocked as did all the humans including the Avengers. "You are kind, generous, loyal, brave, strong, and true to your word." "In all honesty, you are more of those things than Captain America himself. Unlike him, You are a true soldier that didn't gain strength from basically steroids." I smiled at him as tears ran down my face. "You are a national sensation." "You are a True American Soldier." Everyone said in sync except for the Avengers. "And you are my Daughters hero for that you are mine." He said as the first family walked in. "Barack Obama?" "Yes?" I looked at him and smiled. "You are like the Dad I never had." He pulled me into a hug. "You are like the older daughter I've always had."

(Obama adopted her when she was 5 after she ran away from S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters and begged him to be a soldier. She became a soldier for N.E.S.T. in 2007 and started dating Ratchet in 2008.)

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