All x (Injured) Reader! Daughter of Jazz

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I kicked a pebble as I walked by the Lakota park 17 miles away from school. Hi my name is Y/N Darby and I am 14 years old walking down the road on a cold freezing night on my way home because my good for nothing brother had to leave for his stupid Science fiction club and we live 43 miles from school. It is approximately -10 with wind chill right now.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Jack's number. 

~Hello?~ Answered an unfamiliar voice.

I fell on the ground.

"J-j-j-ac-c-c-k W-w-w-here Ar-r-r-r y-y-y-ou?" I stuttered from the freezing cold.

"This isn't Jack I am his friend Jackie." 

"T-t-t-ell J-j-jack I am laying on the side of the r-r-r-oad -F-r-r-r-eez-z-z-z-z-z-ing."

~Hold on we are on our way keep your phone!~

I dropped my phone on the ground before forcing myself to my feet. Once I was up grabbed my phone and limped over to the tree before putting the phone still on in my bra.

I gripped a branch on the tree and pulled my self up before sitting on a thick branch and pulling my knees to my chest. 

About 30 minutes later there still was no sign of Jack so I tried climbing down but I lost my footing and fell. I landed with a sickening crack and thud. I screamed out in agony and started crying. I pulled out my phone and held it by my ear. "Jack!" I screamed and he answered. "Y/N what happened?" He asked frantically. I dropped the phone as dark spots blocked my vision. "Jack... I'm sorry and I love you." I whispered before everything went dark.

-Ratchet POV:

I sped down the road with Nurse Darby and Jack riding with me when out of nowhere a scream came from Jack's phone. "Jack!" The voice yelled. "Y/N what happened?" He asked frantically. "Jack... I'm sorry and I love you." The voice said before everything went quiet. Nurse Darby smacked my dash board, "Ratchet Hurry Up!" She yelled and I sped up. Twenty minutes later we came up to a tree where there was a female on the ground unconscious. Jack and Nurse Darby quickly hopped out of My Alt and ran over to the femme. Jack picked her up and ran to the back of my alt after I opened the twin doors. Nurse Darby got in my Drivers side. "Go to base!" "Will she keep us a secret?" I asked as I took off. "Yes she never tells anyone anything you're good." "Ratchet to base send a ground bridge to my coordinates, have Optimus or Ultra-Magnus prepare human med bay, and send the other humans home immediately we have an injured newcomer." "Also get 5 low volt heater, blankets, and get everyone ready." I said before cutting the com link.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*2 days later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


I opened my eyes to see Jack next to me and we were in the back of an ambulance. "Jack?" I questioned hoarsely. His head snapped up to me. "Y/N Oh my god!" He wrapped me in a hug-ish. "Jack I am so freaking hot." I exclaimed as beads of sweat rolled down my face. He laughed and took off all the blankets. Once they were off I was hit by a massive wave of cool air causing me to sigh in relief and Jack to laugh again at my childish behavior. I sat up and was met with an unfamiliar sight. "Jack you have five seconds to run." I growled and he took off running. Once I finished counting down I ran*Well more like limped due to the giant boot on my foot* after him and tackled him not noticing the giant alien robots watching shocked. He wiggled loose so I grabbed some wrenches off a pile near me and started throwing them at him . "You fragging glitch you lied to me!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry!" He yelled in defense. "Well say sorry to my wrenches not me you mother fragging son of a glitch!" I threw one last one hitting him square in the head. "I win you lose now you have another bruise caused by your stupidity!" I chanted and someone cleared their throat. I turned towards the voice to meet a giant metal... Foot? I looked up. "Holy slag you are tall!" I exclaimed wide-eyed. "Language!" The robot spoke sternly. "It's English dumb ass." I exaggerated and threw a wrench at him hitting him square in the face. Soo... This robot is really tall and stern looking*It is Ultra-Magnus BTW* He picked me up and held me by his face. "Did you throw a wrench at me?" He asked clearly pissed. "Bitch please I've thrown a jackhammer at my brother you should be happy it was a wrench and not that." I said and flipped him off which led to him purposely dropping me. I laughed and used my telekinesis to float mid-air. "Bitch I'm bionic." I sassed and used my telekinesis to a jackhammer at his d***. He held down by his crotch and groaned in pain before falling on the ground. I turned towards the other bots. "What's crackin' lil' bitches My name is Y/N Darby daughter of Jazz yo second-in-command if he is online?" I said with a smirk. "Sure as hell am!" A familiar voice spoke. I turned to look at my sire smirk still on my face. "Well no shit!" I exclaimed in a high mocking voice. He kneeled down before geting close to my face and starting a staring contest. 'Ha! This is gonna be fun!' I suddenly froze stiff and fell on the ground causing Jazz to panic and blink. I shot up and started dancing. "Ha I win you mother slagger!" I cheered. 

He then broke into tears as did I while everyone just looked at us extremely confused. We hugged each other. "I love you!" I yelled dramatically. "I love you too!" We broke into more tears as Optimus stared at us with a 'Jazz-are-your-processors-damaged?

We then abruptly stopped and walked away leaving everyone confuzzled.

A/N I can't stoplaughing!!!


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