Chapter 17 ~ Bloomingdale

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I knew I was nearing Bloomingdale Park, when I came to the recognizable street crossing. I looked both ways across the tattered, and fading street, then I walked across. As soon as I treaded through the fresh grass, I made my way along the walkway leading to the playground. I keep my eyes trailing along the gray cement, impossibly trying to ignore, but embracing that fluttering of excitement in my stomach and heart, and watching my blue vans beat against the sidewalk.

I unintentionally looked up and noticed a figure at the other end of the walk. He was wearing a black tousled t-shirt, and had his hands in his khaki-type-jean-things. His auburn, dark brown hair up on his head in a quiff. Looking down at the pavement, smiling to himself, his gray vans walking in sync to a tune he was most-likely repeating in his head. Beautiful brown, amber eyes twinkling. He was thinking of the song, "Bleeding Love," by Leona. Dang, I didn't know boys thought of or listening to those types of songs; He must be really in love then, I thought to myself smiling, thinking of the love that I am in. And then I realized.

It's Aspen.

My smile grows even bigger, as I gaze at him even more, eyes twinkling as bright as the stars out at midnight.


What? He asks sweetly, his voice swooningly low. Then he looks up, and his eyes catch mine, the cheeky smile growing on his lips, and his eyes absolutely light up.

I ran down the way, running to meet my prince charming and run into his arms. Cheesy, I know but at this moment, I don't care. My hair was blowing in the wind I created behind me, as I whizzed down the pathway, Aspen's wonderful embrace growing closer with every step. Once I reached him he had his arms open for me to prance into, out of his pockets.

I welcomed his warm embrace and hugged him tightly, closing my eyes and just enjoying this moment, the feel of his strong arms around me, and breathing in his scent. "Hello Wonderful," he said into my neck, his hot breath fluttering against my skin, and I could feel the smile in his voice.

"Hello amazing," I said, dripping every emotion I had for him in just those two words.

We stand there for a few moments, adoring this loveliness. When we pull apart, he is still holding my forearms, so I am still close to him. I get a good look at him then, his skin is perfectly tan, like melted caramel. His brown hair has natural auburn highlights and is tempting not to just run your hand through, and his nose was small and cute, but still had structure. He had a few stray freckles on his cheeks, and his dark brown eyes held a few flecks of amber and emerald green within them, twinkling as they looked into mine, I could almost melt into them right there. And his lips were plump and the perfect shade of pink, perfectly kissable at any moment.

It had been a few weeks since the awful fight that Aspen had run into with Nash at school, and since then, all of his bruises and cuts had healed. And the fight had been put in the past by them two, even if it was forcefully made that way by the teachers. Also the leaves have even started to turn a golden orange and brown, only a few green leaves remaining, and now my favorite season was kicking into full swing, Fall. Ahh. Or Autumn, which sounds like Aspen, so, again. Ahhh.

I admired his features for a short time, as he gazed at me also. Then he took my hand, and started leading me off of the path and towards the playground. "Come on," he said turning around, a smile playind on his lips, eyes bright and playful. "Let's get this date started," he said. Then the smile bloomed on his face and pure joy engulfed him as he kept pulling me along, until we were jogging across the green terrain, stomping and kicking daisies (haha! band reference ;D) as we ran towards the playground.

The trees were swaying in the breeze around us, and tiny helicopter leaves fell on top of our heads. And the yellow, blue, and green playground layed ahead of Aspen and I, the two twin slides layed in front of us. The light was peeking through the trees perfectly in different glimmering, golden rays, making Aspen's eyes turn an astonishing amber, sparkling with light from the sun and from his soul. And most of all, the air was filled with the most beautiful thing anyone or thing on earth could capture, Love. The soul reason we live and experience life the way it should be. And may I say, this moment is something I will remember forever, for I am thankful for these small infinities, consisting of moments at the most perfect, they can possibly be.

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