Chapter 18 ~ A Deep Feeling

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Something was definitely wrong, and it was not with me. I had no bruises on me as I checked over my body, sitting in the passengers seat... Wait, I know what this feeling is, I have had it before.

This was a communicated feeling. I was feeling this pain all over, because someone I love is in the hands of harm. And I know this deep feeling is true as the thought sinks in and I remember the one that I love is left "alone," at the park.

Ugh! I knew that, that rustling in the bushes wasn't nothing! And that feeling of being watched... I mean I always feel watched, duh. But this was different, by someone I know, living.

And I know exactly who would be after Aspen...

"TURN AROUND!!!" I scream to Louis. He looks at me hesitantly for a moment, but then gets the message.

Louis quickly spins around the car onto the next street into a u-turn, and I am flung against the car's side door, but the pain is almost nothing compared to my sharp feeling all over my delicate body.

Louis stamps down on the gas as we speed down the road back to the park, and thank God that there are no cops around this area.

We pull into the lot and I push open the door. I sprint along the pavement, then jump up the curve onto the bumpy ground and sprint to the playground. The pain grows stronger and it gets harder to run as I go forward, wincing in pain as I reach the playground.

I hear scattered screamed and cries out in pain, but way to quiet. Also the sound of thumping and laughter.

My feet dance along the wood chips as the children's screams escalate, and I see a parent picking her child up and dragging her away. I run faster over to the swing set, and see puddles of blood soaking into the dark, sinister, soaking wet, red wood chips. I look up to the see the faces of evil's doing, and meet a pair of bright blue eyes deceiving play. Looking over to see his companion, aiming kicks continuously into the victims ribs with all of the effort he has, white skin seeming pale and brown eyes filled with unreliable hate.

And there lays on the ground, Aspen, hands laying in a twisted state, face sideways staring at the ground and blotchy from blood, a thin wet substance consisting of dirt, sweat, and blood consume his pores. His strong body flinches every single time be takes a hit, whimpers of pain echoing off of the equipment. And I feel it all.


I yell at Nash and Matt. All they give me is a turn of the head, and then resume to injuring Aspen into a devastating place. Nash bends down and pounds his fist in Aspen's cheek, and Aspen turns his face away with a harsh breath.

I lung towards Nash with a face of pure rage, hands reaching out to grab his throat and plant him to the ground full of wooden needles.

But hands take control over my wrists and bring me backwards, hoisting them behind me. I refuse with a grunt as I get forcefully pushed to the ground, making my head spin wild.

Aspen finally notices that I am here in the little consciousness that remains with him. A look of desperation crosses his face as he gives me a slight smile and tries to say something, but fails to as he gets kicked in the chest.

Hayes stands above me with an evil smirk desolated upon his features. But you know what? I am so fucking tired of that look.

I set myself up on the wood chips, stabbing splinters into my palms, and swing my leg around as hard as I can into Hayes' ankles. He collapses to the ground, and I steady my head then jump up and kick him in the place where no boy wants to be kicked. Then I stomp onto his gut, and as he whimpers in pain and rolls on the ground I avoid a hit from Nash.

I grab Nash's fist, swing his arm behind his back, knee him, then kick his back and he stumbled away and falls to the ground flat out on his stomach, his right shoe laying to his back-right.

Matt looks up from his eyes that were placed on Aspen's weakening body, and his eyes widen, pupils growing small as Matt looks straight into my death glare. He resists from his kicking, and his arms go tense as he backs up, brown eyes not once leaving mine.

Once he is a good distance away I run to Aspen's side. I run my hand against his gritty cheek. He let's out a small pained cough, holding his chest, then his sparkling eyes meet mine.

"Glad you finally showed up." He says in a raspy, quiet voice, a smirk on his perfect lips.

"Me too." I say, smiling down at him.

But, suddenly I feel movement around me. I look above Aspen and see Matt, frozen in place staring down at us. Hayes to my left on the ground, flinching on the wood chips, barely audible sighs are heard as he heaves his breathes. Just to make sure I reach out my left palm, and aim it at him, keeping in place as if he is glued to ground so he cannot harm Aspen any more than he has.

But my sea blue-green eyes grow wide and I try to scramble to my feet as I hear quickening footsteps behind me. Aspen's hoarse voice speaks into my ear, "Sandra," as a warning, his eyes alive with fear.

Firm hands are gripped around my waist, setting fire to my insides as I am lifted higher into the air. I place my hands over them, trying to pry their grip off, legs swinging in the air, lashing to get set free. I see the glow of Aspen's desperate eyes, flashing green and brown in complete fear as he looks up at me, for a mere second. I scramble there, 7 feet up in the air looking down to where I should be.

The universe just doesn't give me a break, does it.

What happens next though, was completely unexpected, and worse than I could've thought.

I catch a glimpse of Nash's features as I am lowered to his height. With my head still facing forward, he whispers into my ear, "You're coming with me Princess." In a tone that does not seem harmful, but meant to seduce me in a playful way, but he should now that I am immune to his tricks. But I can tell that his words are meant for only us to hear, as Aspen stays silent. I freeze in fear.

What does he want from me.

All I hear is my heart beating a million times a second about to explode out of my chest. Aspen yelling something to me, but all I hear is my name repeated in a desperate calling, and the wind whipping around us. All I see is Nash's beige shirt, and my blonde hair, as I am hoisted onto Nash's shoulder where he holds me clamped down.

I feel the stamps of his feet as he walks, the constant beating of my fists against his rock-hard back, until my fists are numb as I scream Aspen's name until my voice is drowned out by the the wind, burning in my throat.

I see Aspen on the ground reaching his hand out towards me and trying to get up, but I fear that his shin is bruised and he isn't able to stand.

"Silly girl," Nash whispers into my ear, "you can't escape this time." As he let's out a satisfying snicker.

The last thing I see is Aspen's eyes sparkling out of what little hope remains between my hair strands, as he disappears from my sight.

For the moment that I see his face, the clouds open up and I see his beautiful face clearly, the light shining upon my hair.

But then he is gone, disappeared, as I am taken, once again.

The blue, depressed clouds recover the area and the wind whips stronger, trying to force us back.

A single tear finds it way down my cheek, cold and wet against my skin. I try to keep my cries silent to not show the fear building up in me within every beating second, but I have to let out a scream, and wail or else I will explode. What's the point? He probably already can sense my fear and pain.

So I let out my scream, and it echoes off of the chained gates of baseball fields, and travels out to the green that I cannot see, only picture before us.

But all he does is stay silent. And I am truly scared of the thoughts that may swarm in his mind.

Nash leads me farther and farther away from Aspen and Louis, my only hopes of getting free.

The last thing I hear is the sound of gravel beneath a beat of moving feet, and my heaving breathes and sobs, before everything goes black.

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