Chapter 19 ~ Gone

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Aspen's P.O.V.

I feel dead.

She's gone.

Taken and lifted away, and I couldn't do anything about it. I am weak, broken. All I could do was look up at her with pained eyes, and a sunken heart, unable to get up off of the ground.

Why? WHY??!!!

Why did he half to take her. Why HIM. Where is she now? Why didn't Louis help?!

What is he DOING to her.

My thoughts consume me, as I lay twisted and mangled on the thousands of tiny wooden needles poking into my skin. The taste of dirt, sweat, and my own blood invading my mouth. And I am barely keeping my eyes open. I am afraid that if I close them, that I will never ever to be able to see Sandra again.

No matter how damaged I am I must stay alive for Sandra, I love her too much.

I can only hope that she is okay, after all, she is much stronger than me. With all that she had been through, and done,

She'll Live.

I just have to stay alive.

After battles within myself of staying awake I hear the rustling of my feet, gaining faith that I will be able to get up and go after Sandra soon.

But when I try to move my legs again, I discover that a pain takes over so fluent that I am frozen as I feel the blood pumping throughout my veins, accompanied by a bitter silence.

Then I hear it again. Rustling.

Oh shit.

Keeping my body still I guide my eyes over to where the sound is coming from. I look over and discover that Hayes is struggling to get off of the ground. Whatever Sandra cast upon Hayes must have worn off by now.

My heart races and I start to panic.

How far away is she really? What is Hayes gonna do??

No, wait. Think Aspen think, what should you do, what would Sandra suggest if she were here.

Fight with the defenses you have, then run. Run to the nearest point of safety around you.

I hear Hayes getting up off of the ground and swiping the wood-chips off of him. Then there is a moment of silence as he looks over to me, and his bright blue eyes bore into mine.

He slowly makes his way over to me, wood-chips moving under his steps. He looks as if he is contemplating whether to lash out in anger or keep calm.

Once he reaches me, he lifts up his right foot then kicks with all his force at my bruised stomach. I wince in pain as it spreads throughout my body like a million thistles poking my insides. Then a cloud of dirt, and blood soaked wood chips spring into my face so I can hardly breath.

He then rest a foot on my ribs and bends down to where I lay, keeping me in place.

"Wimp." He spits in my face. "I can't believe you even had to call Sandra to come and save you." He huffs in disappointed disbelief. "Wow," he says looking at me once again. "You really need protecting don't you?" He questions, with a playful smirk on his face.

His tone is way to easy going and calm though for what I expected.

I struggle out a "What?"

"Well, dude. I mean, you love her with all your heart and stuff, but she has to protect you?" He laughs to himself for a moment. "I mean, like, what are you?" He truly questions.

"Uhh." I say.

"I mean," he moistens his lips, "you guys can telepathically communicate and stuff, but you don't have a smidge of what she does man, what's up with that?"

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