Chapter 20 ~ Scam

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After a while of silence, trying to drift off to sleep, on and off again. I realized that I would not be able to sleep, afraid of what Nash would do if I decided to close my eyes.

I have kept my thoughts quiet, so he can not hear them.

I have been thinking of how much I miss my brothers and their silly friends, Louis's crazy band that is trying to get popular, good luck to them in this small town. And Connor and his friends, trying to be YouTube stars. I'm sure they'll do great, they're funny and it's world-wide, so.

And I realized, that I even miss their friends like family.

I miss Jc's relatable comments and how he would always spill popcorn all over our old couch, when him, Connor, and I would watch his movie marathons.

I miss how whenever there would be a girly, romantic song on the radio, Harry would sing along with it and dance sillily around with me in the living room. And how he would blush, put his hand in his pockets, and duck his head down when I told him that I had a boyfriend, and how Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam would all laugh along with me, and eventually Harry would join in too.

I miss how Zayn would get over-sarcastically mad when he lost a board game. Making his big brown eyes wide, fake punching the board games peices and making weird "pa-pow" noises in that funny accent of his.

I miss Kian's interpretations of little kittens.

How when I started to have super-huge gigantic feelings for Aspen, Liam would give me advice on boys. And somehow always help me, but make me laugh at the same time.

And how Trevor would try to give me singing lessons, even though I absolutely suck.

I just miss all of them so much.

I miss Louis, Connor, and I's grilled cheese nights.

I miss Connor pulling me into his selfies and Louis hiding behind us, shielding his face like a vampire.

The first day of school when Louis and I acted like airplanes and Connor acted like I was Cinderella with my blue vans, a few weeks ago.

I miss Louis asking me to look over their new song looks, and seeing his funny face when I tell him that they were cheesy. And when I tell him that they're great, how he would hug me, and with bright eyes point at me and say "Love ya sis." Then run up the stairs giddily, gushing with joy.

I miss sneaking in the background with the weirdest faces ever, while Connor was recording his videos. And him giving me puppy eyes begging with those big blue eyes, for me to leave so he can film the rest of his video. And when I said no, he would put his fingers to his lips, say "sshhhhhh," and bribe me with Nutella. And even sometimes he would even let me be in his videos.

Interrupting Louis's practicing and convincing them to play truth or dare.

And now that I think about it;

1. Dang, I am a really annoying sister, but I guess they love me anyways.

2. I mostly hang out with boys. Koryssa is my only friend that is a girl, my best friend. Weird. Well, I guess it makes sense since I basically have hung around guys most of my life.

And Koryssa.

I remember when we first became best friends on the playground when I was seven, saying that I though her eyes looked majestic, and she said she like my hair, and thought it was magic.

When we were hanging out at my house in the fifth grade playing our favorite board game, Clue, and I told her my feelings for Aspen. And she told me that we would be absolutely perfect for eachother.

Staying up to 3 am at our sleepovers discussing life, our powers, school work, and James and Aspen.

The color drains from my face as the thought consumes me.

Will I ever be able to hang out with her again if Nash is kidnapping me.

My stomach goes into knots and my mouth goes into a deep frown of worry. Is that what Nash is really doing? Is Nash... Kidnapping me???!!!


Okay, stay calm, stay calm Sandra.

Don't let the kidnapper know.

Oh My.

Stay calm, stay calm. Ask simple but complicated questions to try to figure out their plan. Wait, his soul is as old as mine! If not older, and his powers are strong, even though I'm immune to most of them. He'll probably outsmart me. Well, I know him, sort of. It's not a bad idea to "try" and ask.

I start to say, "Umm, how exactly did you know Aspen and I would be at the park today?"

He cringes when I mention Aspen, but tries to hide it. Then he says, "I know you come to the park on a "date" once every month." He says "date," like it's a forbidden word when used between Aspen and I. What is this guy's deal.

But I decide to say, "Wow, you know your shit," I practically mumble. Then I ask clearly, "How did you know we would be here today?" Trying to keep my tone even, even though I'm scared as hell right now.

"I don't know." He mumbles, clearly hiding something.

I decided to just get it over with and ask the big question. "Why did you take me?... And how?"

"How?" He asks amused, laughing. "It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I tried to find your weaknesses. Words and manipulation didn't put much of a toll on you. The chloride I put in our "science experiment," you were immune to, but everyone else passed out," he snickers," except you and me of course." Ummmm. "But when it came to Aspen, oh you melted, when I beat him up at the lockers," I flinched at the memory,"you rushed to his side like a cheetah guarding her little kittens." He snickers again, but what does that mean, da heck?! "And I knew that I found your weakness, Aspen. So I figured that I would end your date a little differently. I jacked up your little boyfriend-"

"You're the same age as him!!" I screeched. Wow Sandra, nice come back.

"-and figured that would set off your senses and drag you back here, where you would be at even more of a disadvantage without his guarding, and would vulnerable to take."

Holy, this guy was even more creepy than I thought.

"So," I tried to say, but it turned out as a squeak, so I gulped the awful taste in my mouth and twists in my stomach, and tried again. With my voice more powerful this time I said, "So why do you want me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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