Chapter 16 - Rebellion!

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"Hello," I said, speaking up louder and willing the fear out of my voice.

Come on, Abigail, I told myself. Get into  it! Speak, for crying out loud! You're here to help them, if they're willing. So make them willing! Let's go!

I grinned aggressively. "My name is Abigail Meredith Vera. I am an Earthling."

Complete silence blanketed Cavebrook.

"I came here, to Auranos, through the same Rip that the first Earthlings used," I explained. "...but that's not what I'm here to tell you about. I don't care much for exposition- so that can wait.

"I do care for what happens now, and what happens next," I continued, emphasizing every word. "And it's about time that I told you." I held out a hand, gesturing at the crowd. "All of you- Cavebrook. My friends and I have been disrupting your streets all through the past week for what, exactly? What are our plans? Well, it's very simple."

I paused, although everyone knew where this was going.

"We are starting a revolution," I said, with the finality of a judge's gavel. Determination was practically coursing in my veins. I paused again- that was a mistake.

"Treason!" someone shouted, taking advantage of the silence.

"It can't be treason if I'm not a Dominion," I replied smoothly, with an apologetic smile.

The crowd shifted. There was some uneasy laughter; some people grinned up at me. Others looked nervous... but the nervous ones were outnumbered. Very outnumbered. I had them on my side- hesitantly. I just had to get them to stay there.

So I did the only thing I could- I kept talking. I talked about democracy and self-rule. I talked about revolution, class struggles, and the economy. I talked about civil rights, about equality. I never lingered too long on one topic, fearing I'd lose their attention if I did. But slowly, the people of Cavebrook began to put their trust in me. I could see it in their eyes- they'd smile or grit their teeth, nod and cheer along with my speech.

The eyes of a few thousand rebellious rascals glittered at me, telling me everything I needed to know. I'll tell you what- back on Earth, public speaking was the only thing I was ever any good at. And apparently, I was doing pretty damn well.

My hands shook as I continued, telling them everything I could about our future together- about the future of Auranos, if they joined us. And soon, they were all chanting.

Rebellion! Rebellion! Rebellion!"

"It's time the Domain stood up for itself, all together!" I shouted into the sky as the Cavebrookians started to chant. Their excitement ran through the air like arcs of electricity.

Whatever you think about democracy- was kind of a popular idea amongst the Dominions. They had put up with too much from their government to not to want to try something new.

"Heyo," Urtam said with a grin over the ruckus. He elbowed me. "I think you've got them on your side now."

"Our side," I corrected him. I pulled my friends in closer, pumping my fist in the air with the chanting.

"Rebellion! Rebellion! Rebellion!"

Author's Note:

I'm back! :D I'm posting two chapters today, and the upload schedule now includes Saturday nights as well. I've gotta make up for lost time, you know?



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