Chapter 18 - Knox

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Recovered Excerpt from the Journal of King Knox of the Domain

I haven't written in a while- things have been quite busy.

Pesky spies. I wish I could write more of my thoughts here, without censorship. Unfortunately, even with increased security, Shadow and I agree that the less that is written down, the better. He has a habit of proofreading my journal himself. Funny how that happens.

Two weeks ago when the rebels were in Cavebrook, I sent a message there informing Rain Spring about the soldiers that were being sent to resolve the rebellion issue. Shadow didn't like this- it was supposed to be a surprise, so that the rebels wouldn't have time to prepare! It was a simple misunderstanding- I hope I don't disappoint Shadow again.

Anyway, it seems that the rebels have gathered a few Cavebrookians and are headed south. I don't know where they're going, but I'm quite sure that they'll run themselves into the ground in a few days. There isn't really any reason to worry about this or take any actions against them. I've been telling Shadow this, as well. I don't think he believes me. He's been very suspicious of me lately- I think he worries that I favor the rebels for some reason. If only he would believe me- my motives are nothing to be worried about. I simply doubt the strength of this little uprising. As such, I think that we shouldn't send any soldiers to meet them. That would only escalate the situation.

Well, back in my city, Shadow seems to really hate this new guard. I can't imagine why this kid isn't dead or resigned yet. I walked into my office one day to see Shadow towering over him, threatening to kill him in a heartbeat.

But for whatever reason, Shadow didn't. The guard just... walked out of the room. He smiled respectfully at me as I passed. I've never seen that happen before.

I've got to run- Admiral Solstice keeps trying to talk to me about the success of that Iris Project. I don't want to hear it, but I'm having less and less of a choice in the matter these days. You can't argue with results, I suppose. Ends and means and all that.

It's been a few days since I've written... once again it's been rather busy around here. The rebels are following the Trading Line, and are picking up steam. I guess I was wrong- they're stronger than I thought.

Shadow's scouts have been tracking them across the plains south of the mountains, but we don't know where they're headed yet. There are only a few scouts- not enough to stop the rebels. Shadow has sent out a full regiment from Coal City to put an end to this. They should reach the group in about two and a half weeks.

I sent a message out to Yellowfield yesterday. The rebels will be arriving there soon.

It's a request for surrender, of course. If the rebels stop now Shadow might spare some of them.

Obviously. What else would I send them?

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