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I opened my eyes gently, snapping them shut again when light poured in. It was bright, white light, like sunshine. Something about it was not quite so... warm, however.

The light burned my eyes through my eyelids, so I began to raise an arm to cover my face. My arm, I discovered, was stiff and sore- it took a great deal of effort to even move it.

I was so exhausted... I could hardly even think. My mind was a haze of static.

Suddenly, something occurred to me. Abigail and that plateau... the scouts! Had she gotten away? Was she alright? I almost sat up- in fact, I would have, if not for my aching head and painful nausea.

She had reacted so kindly to the truth about my family... something seemed different about the way she looked at me after that. When would I see her again?

Where... where was I?

I almost tried to sit up again, but there was a horrible pain in the darkness behind my eyes. It spiked, kept me pinned to the table, held my eyes shut. I felt sick all over again.

What had happened to me?

What had happened since- oh, Lyte's socks.

Suddenly memories flooded into the dark space between my death and this, the weeks before this table and this white light.

Weeks...? No, months.

No. No. No!

I could not think about that now- I would have a mental breakdown. It was easier to block it out, to focus on the task ahead.

Determination settled in my mind like a fortress.

You do not kill Reinon Ahzi that easily...

The Rift in the Domain- The Auranos Stories Book 2Where stories live. Discover now