Chapter 22 - Reinon Ahzi

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Utopia and I charged blindly through the darkened plains, searching for Reinon. We were nearing the southern edge of the desert now- it wouldn't be far to Kaonon. In fact, the ground was growing more rugged and grassy even in the time Utopia and I were out. There were little animals with big, shining eyes that scampered away through the grass as we approached, and I could see the shadows of nearby plateau ridges appearing in the distance if I looked hard enough.

As we carried on, I shouted intermittently for Reinon and slowly drove my voice into the ground. My throat was sore, and my arms were heavy. With all of the squinting into the darkness, my head began to ache. Blood ran from my various injuries, but there wasn't time for that now.

Why had he left? I couldn't figure it out. He was usually more level-headed than that, wasn't he? Reinon wasn't the type to run away just-

Suddenly, I thought I heard something. Utopia screeched to a halt, ears perking. Someone was shouting, from far off. A faint voice I could just make out.

"Reinon?" I called.

"Hello?" came the reply. Without a command, Utopia spun in the direction of the shout and started running.

"Hang on- Utopia and I are coming!" I hollered in reply. We were barreling across the top of a plateau now- the cliff was a few hundred yards to our south. Between Utopia's heavy footsteps, I could hear a little stream that jutted out of the Sunfall River coursing over the rocks below. And just ahead, silhouetted against the dark sky, was Reinon. My heart soared. Thank goodness- the scouts hadn't found him. I glanced at my bracelet just in case- having left Jal and Yraak behind- and charged Utopia towards him.

"I-I am sorry, Abigail," he stammered when we got closer, obviously an emotional wreck. His hair was askew, and blood stained a cut his hand, which he held desperately. "I should not have left- I-I just- I couldn't-"

"Reinon, just shut up for a second," I said kindly, getting off of Utopia. Walking forward, I put my arms up. "Give me a hug."

Reinon shook his head at the ground a little, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "I... I am okay. Really. I just-"

So I hugged him instead. He stammered a lot, and then fell quiet.

"I... I just can't imagine a world without... Yomir," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. I stepped back, looking him in the eyes.

"You know he's going to be okay, right?"

"H-he... what?"

"Kaian said that he'll be fine, Reinon. You ran off before she could tell you," I explained gently.

Reinon's eyes were wide open, entirely shocked. His movements seemed slow, like those of a dazed sleepwalker. He stared at the ground for a long moment, mulling over the news. Finally, he looked up at me with a breathless laugh. I was startled- tears were welling in his eyes.

"Thank... thank goodness," he gasped, wiping his eyes quickly.

"You're alright, then?" I asked carefully. He nodded and turned away.

"I... I guess I owe you an explanation."

This time, I kept silent. Reinon took a deep breath and began.

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