Chapter 42 - Many Eras Ago...

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Power does strange things when it comes to you so quickly.

No, no, it didn't come to us. We'd sought after power. We had wanted it- we'd fought and killed for it.

I can't explain the drunken high that came from having people in the palm of your hand like we did. The Domain was just another word for Auranos at that point- the three of us were in charge of everything.

But we were greedy. Of course.

We wanted total control. Having other people in the way was frustrating, like a fogged-over window in front of a beautiful landscape. Three leaders meant three opinions to take into account. Three times as many discussions, disagreements. We were all in the same position, though. We all felt the same way, and some shining part of us wanted to preserve that friendship that had brought our trio so far.

So we divided up the Domain into three parts. Everything east of the mountains went to Relako- he had the Lagokian Peninsula, the east coast, and the isolated far north. Cavern took the northern side of the mountains and everything above. I took the jungle, the desert, and a bit of the southern edge of the mountains. We all had our own lands now, our own little worlds to morph to our wills. You can't tell me that doesn't sound fascinating. As a bystander, I'm sure you're distancing yourself. You'd never do this- you'd never end up like the three of us. You'd turn power down, go live out your days in the darkness like that hermit Jemano.

And I'm sure you would. You're just so superior to the rest of us.

Matthew Carter explains it better than I ever will- and half the time I don't even know what he's saying. But that's neither here nor there. If you're just going to judge me, you can skip this part of the book and keep reading Riser's story. Nobody ever gave me a second thought anyway.

I'm... I'm being dramatic. I'm sorry, but you have to understand... this is an extremely difficult thing for me to discuss. I've spent hundreds of years trying to wipe out that part of my memory.

Well, I guess I'll have to relive it one last time first. 

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