chapter 3; the plan 🃏

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(the joker is for me. I put it their when. I'm done rhe chapter so I don't publish an unfinished one. Just to let you know)

I sat in the Jeep. Skylar and Jared were taking me to somewhere. I had been through so many rages and fits of pain that they finally said they were taking me somewhere, to someone could help me. Who the hell could help me? A fucking doctor?

I don't think so. I looked out the window, half expecting a wild wolf to run beside the Jeep. The Jeep belonged to Jared. There was a lot of trees now... Almost like a giant forest.
"We're almost there!" Skylar breathed. He sounded excited, that's a first.
I looked out the window, my eyes widening. The forest around us changed. It was now deeply tree's. You almost couldn't see in between them. They were a dark green colour. So vivid. I opened my mouth in awe. The wolf would love it here. I thought.
It must have tons of animals for the wolf to hunt, Prefect places for it to hide it's mate.... If he had one. Perfect dens for his pups... His pups.... Was he a father? Was he a good father?"

Close your mouth or you'll catch flies." Jared scolded. My mouth closed and I mock glared at him. He waggled his eyebrows at me. I groaned.
Then he jerked the wheel, and I flew to the side, my seatbelt cutting into my side. I hissed in pain. He swore, stopping the Jeep.
"Sky did you?"
" was a wolf...." Skylar seemed nervous.
"Did you recognise it? Was it part of the pack?"
I sat there dazed, a wolf? Part of the pack? What were they talking about?
" both counts.... I would've known if it was..."
I felt my vision go blurry. What's happening? Why do I feel so tired?
"Raven? Raven are you alright?!?" A muffled voice called out. Jared I think....then all my thoughts seised. I was in the world of dreams.
When I awoke I was lying in a bed. The blankets were a pale blue and very masculine. I looked around the room. It was masculine as well.(I'm not going to describe it because I don't want to be sterotypical.) Pictures of...I squinted looking closer. What was that? We're those wolves? I wondered. I pulled my feet over the side of the bed and stood. The dark brown wooded floor was cold and I flinched slightly. Turning to look at all the room. It was really cool. Then the door opened and Skylar popped his head in.
"Hey lil are you?"
"I'm fine." I said. Looking to the bed again. Now noticing that I was wearing different clothes. A white nightdress.
"Who changed me?" I asked.
"Oh... Our Aunt Clare." He said, opened information the door wider.
"Do you want to meet the rest of our family?" He asked, barley hiding his grin.
"Uh....sure?" I said, confused.
"Oh good." He opened the door as wide as it would go and four younger children ran into the room, fallowed by to teens.
The four children trapped her and hugged her.
"It's Raven!!!!" One of the children squeeled, watching with wide blue eyes.
The one beside the male child looked up and grinned, she had blue eyes tom just like the boy. They looked like siblings.
The other two were both boys, light sandy blonde hair. And green eyes.
"I'm Sean" the first one said, pausing."I am Jean." They looked at each other."will you be our friend?" They asked in unison.(yes they are sterotypical twins, only they're not.)
"Jean and Sean back away from your cousin. Give her some room. You to Riley and Sam." One of the teens said. He glared at the four children, and graspsed the other teens hand. She smiled softly. " nice." She said, nuzzling into his neck.
"Ewwwww! Big brother and his mate are getting all mushy again!!!" The little girl said. Was her name Riley? Or was she Sam?
"Um... Lil sis? Want to meet the adults?" Skylar asked
"Um yes." I said. Pulling myself away from the young children. Sean and Jean held onto my waist, I ended up walking with them hanging off me.
"Um...Skylar? Are theese two normally like this?" I asked.
"No. Not normally." He said and grinned. "They like you...that's a first." The two boys growled at Skylar. Green eyes narrowed.
"Oi! Shut it you little brats!!!" A angry male voice snarled. The two boys tensed, their bodies shaking. At first I thought it was from fear so I held them against my body, an hand around each shoulders. But instead, as soon as I stepped into the room where many people were housed, they let out a very loud sound. They weren't scared they were angry. A male flipped them off and I shook my head. Lips curling in a small noticeable snarl.
"Why in the freaking fuck do you think your doing?" I said, feeling that anger rise yet again.
"Telling my boys to knock it off and shut up. What does it look like bitch?" The male on the floor said. His eyes closed. I snapped. Gently but firmly pulling the boys away from me I lunged. Catching the man off gaurd my teeth latched onto his arm. I bit down,hard. He let out a bellow and flung me away from him. His fist slamming into the side of my face. Tears welled up from the sting, but I informed the pain. I snalred and lunged at the guy again. He was two times my height and very strong. I kept up and grappled his hair pulling his face to my level. I spit in his eye. He began to shake. People who I didnt know moved in front of me. I heard sickening pops and cracks and watched in horror as the man before me...became a wolf. A big Black wolf. The one I'd seen. That was my wolf? I opened my mouth and gaped.
"Raven...honey....take the boys and go to your room....we'll talk to you later ok?" A woman said, her smile big and forced.
"Ok." I grabbed the boys and went to my room. A plan forming.

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