chapter 15, Pregancy 🃏

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Ok before I start this chapter I just want people to know.... Go read A vampires pet. It's (pardon my language) fucking awesome!!!! By Cannoness.... It's a really good book.
I just wanted to say that before the chapter started....
Also I told my friend that I couldn't go out with him... And now I have no more best friend. People say it takes time.... But....  I don't think I can live without him. I can't love him... But I want him as a friend is that selfish? Stupid question of course it is. Disregard his feelings and force him to take mine into account. Just like always....
I'm so confused.... I miss him....
Enough about my sad life onto Ravens!!!!
Oh I'm bringing Hanlin into this chapter. He'll be in the next one as well.  😀 He'll have quite the.... Experience.... 💀😀😀

Raven lay in her bed, worn out. She was
sick. Not the normal morning sickness but actual sick.
That memory had brought back things that she cared not to feel.
Like the taste of that boys flesh. She shuddered at the thought and held back a heave.
Rosa had stayed in her room as well, worried for Ravens health.
"Women aren't supposed to eat raw meat!" She heard Rosa yell to someone.
"But she's...a's what they eat..." Tyler said, confused.
"She needs human food." Rosa insisted.
"She's a She-wolf, we need to talk to Crow, or someone who's a mutt." Tyler insisted.
"Where do see find anouther? Crow can't contact us...."
"Well we just need to...."
"There is no pack within my land." She heard Sebastion say, before the door opened.
"Hello Cupcake, how are you feeling?"
He grinned and sat beside her. The bed creaking. She moved closer to the wall to give Sebastion room.
"Are you well enough to walk?"
"Yes, just...."
"Good." Sebastion pulled her up and out of the room. She walked behind.
She was led into a room where two female vampires waited. Dressed were everywhere.
"Do your thing, I want Cupcake here ready."
"Ready? Ready for what?" She tried to protest. Hands grabbed her and removed her clothes. Sebastion had been ushered out of the room when they began. She  sat down as the women ran around her. One went to find the perfect dress the other was bussy doing Ravens hair and makeup.
They never spoke. Not once.
The other vampire, the prettier one, came back with a dark red dress. Crimson red. She was stood up, her body stiff.
The dress was pulled up over her hips. The vampire stopped at her noticeable baby bump.
She reached out and touched the bump. Raven jolted at the coldness but didn't pull away.
"You're lucky." The woman said, with drawing her hand slowly. Her voice was deep and husky.
"That I'm growing a baby?" Raven asked.
The woman didn't speak, only pulled the dress all the way up gentaly. Turning her around so she could zip it up.
The dress felt a little tight around her stomach but that was to be expected.
A full body mirror was held in front of her. She gazed at the woman in the mirror. She was bueatiful. Even the bags under her eyes and the way her collar bones jutted out made her look like an unearthly spirit. Her skin once ashen now looked healthy.
The woman who touched her stomach held out a cup, brown liquid sloshed inside.
"It's coffee..." She said as Raven took it. Raven sipped, testing the waters. She found she liked it and drained it in one go.
"Thank you." Raven said. The vampire women bowed and left the room.
Raven sat in the couch and waited for someone to collect her.
To think I was just some pet to show off..... She thought to herself.
The door opened and she got to her feet, holding an arm out for balance.
Sebastion walked in. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Hmmmm... Quite the change. You actually look presentable for once." He teased.
"Shut up you." She snarled, angry.
"Well come on, there's people I want you to meet." He said, grabbing her arm. Pulling her with him.
Gently of course. He didn't want to hurt the pregnant She-wolf. He didn't let her know that though.
He led her into a massive room, many vampires and even a few humans were standing around. Talking and what not.
He looked around and opened his mouth.
"My people!" He called out, getting their attention. "I have quite a good show in store for you." He paused and pulled her in front of him. "Forgive me." He whispered.
"This She-wolf was raped and now we get to witness the death of her attacker. I do not take this offence lightly. She was but 16. Not even apart of our world yet. So meet Raven!" He called.
Then he nodded to a vampire and Hanlin was dragged out. Kicking and screaming.
"You can't do this. This is against the law!" He shouted.
"This is my kingdom. I make the law. I am the law. You attacked this woman breaking both human and supernatural law."
Hanlin glared at me.
"That bitch was begging for it." He spat. "She wanted it." He looked at me, his eyes held hate.
I shuddered.
"She's the one who fucked one of her packmates making her like that. No wonder they're all stupid."
"Did you just insault my people?" A cold deep voice growled. I shivered.
Sebastion tightened his hold on my arm.
"Greysone..... What brings you here?" Sebastion asked.

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