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Bubble's POV

We arrived at the purple store which actually looked more like a kiosk and a grocery store. We entered and saw that indeed it was a store, just very small. We decided we'd all look for different things.

"Can I look for ice cream!?" Leafy asked excitedly, she has a huge sweet tooth so we can't expect those ice creams to last too long.

"Ok, I will go get meat, Bubble, you get vegetables, and then Needle and Gelatin can get fruit." Firey said like a leader would.

I was on vegetables, we also got a list from GB, mine said:
Cucumber -2
Tomato -5
Eggplant -1
Potato -3
Mushroom -10

I looked in the isles, I found the tomatoes easily because of their bright color, most of them were bruised so I dug around for good ones. I then moved over a few steps to where the potatoes were and grabbed 3 of them.

When I went to get the cucumbers and eggplants I saw that Leafy pretty much grabbed every ice cream in the store, I mentally face palmed.

"Is that oivery oice cream in the stoiore?" I asked.

"Huh?" She noticed me talking, but couldn't see me, "Yeah, this is every ice cream, but most of them are Yoyleberry flavoured."

"YOYLECOIKE!!!!" I yelled, "Oh there are the eggplants!" I grabbed 1 and tried to find the cucumbers and mushrooms.

"Hey, do you mind if I put some ice cream in your basket?" Leafy asked expecting the worst.

"Sure" I replied with a smile on my face. She dumped about half of the ice cream she had in her hands into the basket.

"Aha! Thoire are the coicumbers!" I yelled a little loudly. I grabbed 2 of them, I turned my head to find the mushrooms in the frozen vegetables section, so I grabbed 10 of them, having to take two "trips".

I went to the cashier, that's where Firey told its to meet, of course Leafy was already there. We waited for the others and I saw out of the corner of my eye, Gelatin was doing something suspicious, but I ignored it.

"Where are they?" Leafy groaned, as soon as she said this Needle and Gelatin showed up.

"Lemme correct myself," Leafy insisted, "where is Firey?

"I don't know." Needle replied concerned.

(Where did Firey go? What will happen next? Find out next time!)

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