Free at last!

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Firey's POV

We'll be let out of the hospital today! I'm so happy! Leafy will still have to be in a wheelchair, but the doctors said it would only be for a few days. Oh I can't wait!

I was twiddling my thumbs to distract myself, but all I could think about was freedom. There was nothing that distracted me from freedom, well, except one thing, Leafy....

My stomach turns when I think of her, my cheeks start burning, but I guess that's to be expected when you are a flame. But, this was different, I could feel my cheeks burning more than any other part of my body.

Leafy, she made me feel weird, I feel nervous around her. Why? Well, I suspected it was a small crush that would pass quickly, but, it didn't.

What if.........I'm in love with her?

(Lord, it felt weird to write that! Lol!)

I couldn't be, maybe I'm just worried about her wound! No, I know she's fine, the doctor said she is perfectly healthy. Maybe, I crave salad when I'm around her because she's a leaf. No, I don't think that's it, I hate vegetables.

It must be that I'm in love with her, I don't see any other possible reason. I am so lost right now! We were friends, the we weren't, then we were, and now I think I love her.

All I thought about was my feelings, I thought about them through the entire day, I thought about them so much that I forgot that we were being let out of the hospital.

"Firey, it's time, you're free!" Said Nurse Nurse Cap happily as she entered the room.

"Huh? Oh yeah! It's finally time!" I realised. Wow, I had actually been distracted the entire day. "But, just a question."

"Go on." Replied Nurse Nurse Cap.

"Did I eat today?" I asked.

"Nope, nothing." She replied, she giggled a bit at my shocked face.

"Ok, good to know, cause I'm a bit hungry." I said, nervously.

"Come, we'll take you to the cafe, your friends are even waiting there!" Nurse Nurse Cap said sounding a bit like a guardian.

"Ok!" I replied, ready to see my friends again. I followed her towards the cafe, some of my muscles were sore from lying on that uncomfortable bed for 2 months.

The cafe was all the way down the hall, guess where I was in this long hallway. Yeah, that's right, all the way at the end. By the time we were halfway, I felt exhausted!

It felt like 3 years by the time we reached the cafe. It was packed with all my friends! Leafy was there too! I felt nervous to see everyone, especially Leafy.

"Hey, Firey!" TB shouted.

"You're, like, back!" Ruby exclaimed.

"That's good! This hospital smells horrible at night!" GB shouted.

"Wait, you slept here the entire time?" I asked.

Tennis Ball's POV

"Well yeah! The hotel is 126 miles away!" GB responded loudly.

"What!?" Firey shrieked confused.

"Yeah! We're not in Yoyleland! We're in Hay County!" GB replied.

"But, how did MG get here so fast?" Leafy asked.

"He didn't." Nurse Cap said. "He got an infection, that's how long it took."

"Oi thoight he would doi from bleeding oiout!" Bubble shrieked.

"Well, I'm fine!" Came a slightly high voice from the door.

"Magnifying Glass! You're able to come out!" Book exclaimed happily. He was in crutches, but he had his big smile on his face.

"Yeah! The infection was somehow not so bad even though I was dragging myself with a very open wound," He started as Bubble shivered, "for 126 miles."

"I'm so happy you're alright!" I chimed in.

"Yeah!" Nickel agreed.

"I heard you're the one who saved Firey and Leafy from Gelatin." Magnifying Glass said to Nickel.

"I guess. I don't want to seem better than I am. I was just trying to help out some friends!" Nickel responded.

"Wait, you consider me a friend?" Leafy asked shocked at what she heard.

"Well anyone who is friends with one of my friends, is also a friend of mine!" Nickel responded sounding heroic.

"Well, I'm happy you saved us!" Firey exclaimed!

"Yeah!" Everyone else agreed, even Coiny.

"So, uhh, let's have  a coffee or something, shall we?" Coiny finally said after a slightly long pause.

"I'll get it! My treat!" Nurse Cap offered.

"No, I should." Needle said, "I feel I owe it to everyone."

"Okie! Well, then I should get going. Good luck everyone!" Nurse Cap replied.

"Bye!" Everyone said. Needle got up and went to order everyone a coffee and a Danish pastry.

"So, Leafy, how does it feel, knowing you're free today?" I asked Leafy as if I were interviewing her for tv.

"It feels great! I was starting to get clostriphobic in that room." Leafy answered happily. "By the way, have you ever felt like your heart was going to explode because of someone?"

"Yeah, I'm around Bomby a lot and I always feel like my heart's going to explode." I replied jokingly.

"No I mean, like you feel nervous around them and you think your cheeks are on fire." She said.

"Actually, yes. She was always on my mind, but I then thought it'd be best if we stayed friends." I responded glancing at Golf Ball.

"But, do you think I should do that with this person?" Leafy asked desperately.

"No. You'll end up having a platonic relationship with them. You should just tell them!" I told her encouraging her to tell this not so mysterious person.

"I'm so nervous, but so excited to tell-" Leafy started.

"Firey?" I whispered so Firey wouldn't hear.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" She asked intently.

"It's obvious. You always blush when you see him and get flustered around him." I informed her.

"I need to hide it better, but I'll tell him in two a week, I still need to get out of this wheelchair." She said.

"Ok! I'll get started planning your wedding!" I joked again.

"Hey! But, I need to tell him soon before I die of nervousness." Leafy said.

(OMG!! We're getting extremely close to the end guys! :( But, hey, I'm gonna make a sequel! I have another plan in mind that you might enjoy as well!)

SamJam out!

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