Time Flies Part 2

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Tennis Ball's POV

Golf Ball and I went to the Doctor's office to see if there was any supplies to conduct an experiment. We were walking through the hallways while Golf Ball was blabbering on about math and science and smarts, when I noticed a supply room.

"Hey, Golf Ball, here's a supply room!" I exclaimed.

"Hmmm!?" She interrupted herself to look where I was pointing, "Yes, this may be useful!"

We started rummaging through the supplies. I found a microscope, I thought that'd be useful so I grabbed it and put it aside, I did the same with a syringe, broom, and Petri dishes.

Soon we had gotten everything we needed. We headed back toward the hotel so we could start our expirement.

"So, uhh, Golf Ball, what exactly are we gonna do?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked back.

"Well, we just got this random experiment stuff, but we don't know what we're actually doing." I explained.

"Actually, we do, well, I do." She replied.

"Huh?" I was Super confused.

"We're going to make a friend." She explained.

"Oooh! How are we gonna do that?" I asked, intrigued.

"I'll explain once we're back." She said.

(Time Skip)

"Just hand me the Nitrogonium Derox." Golf Ball ordered calmly.

"Ok! That's the green stuff, right?" I asked for the 30th time.

"Yes!! Now would you just hand me it!?" Golf Ball yelled, she was obviously losing her patience, so I just gave it to her without saying a word.

"Thank you." She said, she had cooled off a bit, "Now all we need in gelatnis powder."

"Okay!" I handed it to her and she poured about half of it in, don't we need more?"

"Nope! We don't him too big, do we? Or, I think it's a him, nah! We'll just call it an it." Golf Ball said.

"Okie!" I took the bowl and put it in the freezer, now all we had to do was wait.


Bubble's POV

For some random reason, I wanted to talk to Pen so I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. He said yes, and so we started walking and catching up on things.

"So, uhhh, How is oit in the Oil Oi Oil?" I asked waiting to hear the most expected answer ever.

"Horrible!" Pen exclaimed, "It's noisy, hot, crowded, and dark."

"Woiow! Thoiat does soiound horrible!" I agreed.

"You're lucky you weren't in there, honestly, you would've died in three seconds." Pen explained, I gasped at that and weirdly felt the urge to hug him.

It was so awkward that I let go almost an instant after hugging him.

"Hey, we've just talked for the first time in a year or so." Pen said laughing.

"Yeah, soiorry aboiout that, I joiust foilt scared after hoiring that." I explained, quite embarrassed. We actually forgot about that when we ran into something jello-y.

I looked down to see a little green cube. I shrieked, I thought Gelatin had some new ability and used it to sneak in. Well, I thought that until Golf Ball and Tennis Ball came chasing after it.

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