Chapter two

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Summing up the whole night: it was a fucking mess.

My friends were all over the place and Erik even managed to get himself admitted to the hospital at 4 a.m,  luckily it was just a minor alcohol poisoning and he didn't have to stay there for too long. Chugging down a whole bottle of Grey Goose Vodka in one go, made him collapse immediately. I don't even know why he even agreed to those Russians that dared him to ex down that bottle.

His ego is bigger than his brain, if ever he has one.

Scarlett was such a sweetheart the whole time, she took care of all of us, especially Erik. She brought us home since we were too drunk for own good. It was six in the morning when she dropped me off and I couldn't sleep for four hours. When a wave of fatigue hits me, I decide to lay down. Finally I can rest. I slowly close my eyes and as I drift into my peaceful sleep-

My phone starts ringing.

"Fucking hell!" I curse and grab for my phone without checking who's calling my at this ungodly hour. "Hey baby, are you busy?" Scarlett chirps through the phone. Of course she slept properly and is in a good mood. "I was about to sleep." My voice sounds raspier than usual, "Oh." Is all she answers. This conversation is so pointless, I sigh. "Well, now that you're awake... do you mind if I come over and watch you fall asleep?" I can't suppress the small smile forming on my lips as I imagine my girlfriend sitting on her bed, bored out of her mind, painting her toenails while holding her cellphone between her ear and shoulder. "Why not?" I say and she giggles like a little girl. What a heavenly sound, "See you in fifteen minutes!" She hangs up and I try to fall asleep again.

     About an hour later, we lay in my bed. Scarlett playing with my hair and my arms around her tiny waist. I can feel her heartbeat, it's beating fast. "Did you still not get over your orgasm?" I ask like the cocky boyfriend I am. I feel her naked body heat up in my arms. "Pfft," She blows out some air, "Get over yourself, sweetheart. You're not as great as you think you are in bed."

I can feel her smile against my hair and flip us over. I hover over her and she shrieks at the sudden action of mine, "Are you sure? As I remembered you asked me to never stop." Her whole face turns tomato red and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. "I love it when you're shy around me, it makes me feel so powerful." I whisper, gently nibbling on her collarbone. "You're ape shit crazy!" She laughs, "Ape shit crazy for you, baby." I bite down on her neck and goosebumps rise on her skin.

"To top it off, you're arrogant and delusional too." Scarlett challenges me, "I doubt that."

Time for round two.


     As usual, Scarlett's late or she won't even bother showing up at school today. With a loud sigh, I decide to head to the cafeteria, straight to the table where all varsities are seated. I don't even bother to buy my own food, since our table is loaded with it and none of them finish anything they get. I snatch some snacks here and there. But also, Scarlett influenced me on eating food with taste and to make sure it's well flavored.

I have a small chit chat with some of the guys until Mike, the big bulky guy with a mohawk on our team, stands up and smashes two cans of empty soda together to catch our attention.

"Thank fuck you guys shut up, now listen asshats." He announces but stops immediately, the whole cafeteria has gone dead silent and Mike doesn't seem pleased about it, "Are you people on the team or what? GET BACK TO YOUR BUSINESS!" The whole student body does as their told and he clears his throat.

"Since we got into the semifinals, we have to train harder and so coach brought up these awesome news!" He adds a dramatic pause, "We'll be training two weeks straight in LA with professional trainers. We have the championship in our pockets!" The whole table hollers and we chant our team-name. "What about schoolwork?" I interrupt and the guys sigh. "Uhh, dropout for two weeks, what else will you do?" Mike's just... stupid, no offense, I should've expected that.

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