-zero: contradictivé

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» zero: contradictivé «



      Not once did Akashi Seijuro find [surname] [name] cute.

   Even when guys fawned over her, complimented her, confessed their love to her, and with all the rumors going on about her physical appearance and amazing kindness, he just couldn't see what was "adorable" or "special" about her.

   Because, if he must describe [surname] in one word, then Akashi must say—she was a nightmare.

   Petite figure, innocent-looking features, twinkling eyes, sickening sweet voice, [length] [color] hair, round face, smooth [color] skin, clumsy, and clingy... She wasn't as naive as she seemed. She seemed so laid-back but when the enemy relaxed, she immediately attacked without warning or a sign. She was dangerous.

   She was manipulative beneath her appearance. She was a witch behind her actions. She was someone who he would happily avoid throughout his life.

   He was absolute. He could feel it. She was two-faced. She was the type of girls in shoujo¹ comics who thought that they were pretty and bullies the heroine who gets close to the hero.

   Akashi knew it. He was always right—and so, he couldn't help but sneer every time he heard about her fake kindness among the students.

   And well, that was what he thought.

   Until one day, he found out.

   That she was the one being bullied by her upperclassmen and classmates. Being what commoners called pretty is tough and Akashi couldn't help but question—why didn’t she do anything? With tactics, she could easily make them beg for mercy. She was able to do that. Yet she didn't. Why? She was weird. She was out of his way of thinking.

   But the answers were soon to be found.

   She was being bullied in the first place as a consequence for saving another girl from bullying—becoming the next target of that gang easily. She became their next prey. In everyone's eyes, she was the victim.

   She was the one who was hurt.

   And Akashi couldn't help but think, what was going on inside her head? Was she unexpectedly good enough to sacrifice herself for the sake of other person's life?

   No, he tried to tell himself, a big no. 

   With his emperor eyes and amazing intelligence, he knew the truth about her twisted personality at one glance. He knew it and yet...this situation needed to be settled.

   And thus, Akashi saved her. He freed her from bullying, only to find out that as he predicted—she was up to something and that something involves him.

   "As [name] would expect from Rakuzan's student council president," the primadonna beamed, eyes twinkling with amusement while walking down the hallway side by side with Akashi.

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