-(six pōint six)

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» six point six «

[ this is a side story ]



   Laying [surname]'s body down on the king-size bed, Akashi found her whimpering a bit and snuggled towards her pillow even more. After all, the dim room's air conditioner temperature was quite low.

   Understanding that the girl was feeling cold, Akashi took the rainbow unicorn blanket in the corner and put it on her out of good will—and now, since he had finished his task, he should go home.

   Or that was what he had planned before.


   —Unfortunately, to his dismay, when he turned his back and wanted to start walking out of the room, [surname] loosely grabbed his right wrist, mumbling between soft sobs:


   Turning his back to face her, his eyebrows knotted together and he couldn't help but notice the tears in the corner of her closed, [color] eyes.

   Wait...she cried?

   "Sorry...sorry..." The grip onto his wrist tighten as her tears fall down, teeth gritted with sadness as it overflow her other emotions. "Even though...[name] was the one...please...stay..."

   Akashi couldn't seem to catch the continuance and middle phrases, the words were too incoherent to be processed by his brain—and about [surname]'s dream, it seems like it has changed into a nightmare? He didn't know if it was in the same place with before, though, with unicorns and ... birds.

   Sighing a little, Akashi looked at his hand that being hold by [surname], as little sobs could still be heard from her. Clicking his tongue, he tried to shake her hand off—but somehow, he didn't want to be rough, knowing that she was not in a full state, sick.

   And thus, he couldn't.

   His efforts were futile, his efforts were fruitless, and in the end he let her be. Again. He sat beside her bed, back leaning toward the bed post. Holding his hand, her fingers intertwined loosely with him.

   And yet, magically, he found it warm.

» - «

[ carnivalle ]

» - «

   It had been two hours since the holding-hands-event thing started.

   —And up until now, Akashi found himself staying beside her, letting her grip his hand with her soft and delicate fingers (he didn't know himself why he bothered, though); while his eyes scrambled across her room, inspecting everything to fill his boredom.

   Firstly, this room was definitely big, and ... somehow emitting [surname]'s aura...with the rainbow unicorn stuffs almost everywhere. He knotted his eyebrows, did she loves unicorn that much? Even when she was dreaming, she mentioned about it. Was it something normal for teenage girls to be so fascinated for?

   (... No; it was certainly her antics, she was childish. She was much more child-like than other female students in Rakuzan. Even though she was actually prideful, mischievous and manipulative—her playful personality keeps it hidden well from the public, and only a little did notice her true colors.)

   Sighing a little, Akashi decided to observe her things. Other than rainbow unicorn related-stuffs, there were a white, round, big cupboard full of clothes, a large dresser, a full book rack, a long wooden table with a fantasy themed table lamp, stack of books and stationaries, a small window with rainbow patterned curtain near the bed and a small table beside her bed.

   Looking at the wooden table from afar, he blinked. Was she studying ... lots? But from what he heard, her grades were normal. Not bad yet not perfect. Ah. Wait—are that books above for studying in the first place? It possible that all of them are novels.

   He huffed, finding himself wanted to check, but unfortunately—couldn't move due to the hands intertwined, and a little, he found himself worry that she'll wake up if he forced to shake her hands off.

   ... Worry, huh?

   Decided to not thinking about it, he viewed the dresser and blinked, finding that there were lots of cosmetics. Even though as a boy he didn't know much about it, he knew that she wasn't the type to use lots of make-ups. Her angelic face was gifted, and thus she only need to apply a little touch when going out nor to school.

   So why did she had that many...?

   Biting his lower lip, Akashi told himself to stop. After all, it would be worthless to think about something that will be hard to search for the answer. It better to ask her directly, after all. However, even though he told himself to do so, he couldn't help but stare at an item above the drawer, curiosity bubbling up inside his stomach.

   (It wasn't something expensive, but somehow, it perks up his attention.)

   —A hairband.

   A yellow and white, fluffy, polka dot hairband, located in the corner of the dresser and seemed a little deserted, out of place; but somehow, at one glance, he also got the feeling that it was treasured.


   Deep down in his heart, he asked, but unfortunately—before he could think for assumptions, his ear caught a soft whimper from behind.


   Turning back, he saw the way her enticing orbs fluttered opened, and looking so, he felt a wave of relief washing over him. Now he could go home, now he could stop holding her hand, because—

   —she finally woke up.




» to be continued «



» seven: justice system «


   carnivalle's page

     because the last chapter already realllyyy long (ten pages), I wrote this quite short haha. sorry. I need to keep up with my draft after all. and somehow the plan for this part was quite short.

     btw, this fanfic is also available on quotev under the same username: carnivalle.


please give me comments about what do you think about this fanfic! thank you!


"kuroko no basket belongs to fujimaki tadatoshi"

"story belongs to carnivalle"

« 18 - 02 - 2018 »

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