-eight: melancholic

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» eight: melancholic «



   Two weeks.

   It had been two weeks since that incident.

   The class representative's suspension had already ended (same went for those who stole because of the rumor), but now, she was too afraid to plan revenge—knowing how manipulative and dangerous a girl named [surname][name]; plus how Akashi Seijuro defended her, it was obvious that they'll not let her off the hook easily with just a mere suspension for the second time.

   Also, because of this, her reputation immediately went downhill. Public belittled her, classmates keep gossiping about her, the bullies started to tease her, viewing her as a new toy—but unfortunately, to [surname]'s dismay, the iinchou still got some really good friends who still stayed beside her even at her current condition.

   It was a miracle.

   For the iinchou, it was an amazing miracle, and she was really happy that there was still someone who cared for her even after what happened. But of course, [surname] didn't think the same—she was upset, she wanted her to be alone.

   But then, [surname] thought about it once again, and felt that it'll be really sad if she was isolated from society. And thus, she let her be, she did nothing, she kept her distance—focused on improving her relationship with Akashi, clinging on him like a glue (with Yumeko Ririka followed behind her steps).

   Akashi was obviously, annoyed.

   [surname] was persistent—really persistent.

   She would always approach him when she saw him, she would always greet him sweetly (addition to asking many personal questions which he preferred left unanswered) when she meet him, she would always follow him wherever he went when there was time.

   However, it seemed like Yumeko didn't like the idea of being late in classes due to her best friend being too close with Akashi, and thus—dragged [surname] away from the redhead when the bell ringed.

   Was [surname] irritated?

   Of course.

   But when she started sulking, Yumeko would tell her to remember about her scores that was failing, which left her feeling conflicted for a few minutes, before finally prefer following Yumeko's steps after bidding the redhead a teary goodbye.

   (In which Akashi was thankful for Yumeko to be such an honor and straight student. [surname] must definitely took Yumeko Ririka as an example.)   

   ... ​​​​​Obviously, Yumeko also had her own negative points. Being a hardcore introvert make her seemed very hard to approach, unsociable. Not like [surname], which almost every time had a smile pestered on her face—even though most of it was fake.

   But thanks to her facade, she was able to befriend with Akashi's teammates and student council members in just a blink of an eye (Yumeko also started to get along with them well, somehow able due to [surname]'s persuasion).

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