-four: intricate truth

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» four: intricate truth «



   "Who started that rumour?"

   After hearing Mibuchi's explanation, [surname]'s behaviour started to make sense—the ones that Akashi finds it weird, looks clear. So this was her main motive? To shake off her fans from the fan club? And particularly ... that person?

   But, if she was in that perilous situation, why didn't she say anything more to him?

   Mibuchi shakes his head. "I don't know, but the rumour started a week before she follows you all day long—so, around two weeks ago."

   Akashi didn't answer, rather, he tries to put the pieces of information he gets like a puzzle.

   "So that umbrella ... sweater ... and her odd behaviour is all because of this ...." Whispering softly to himself, he tried to compile it. "But that sweater ... the one that brings it is ...."


   He smirked triumphantly when all the information fits, which reveals the intricate truth behind this case.

   "So ... this is what you're actually facing until asking me for help, huh, [name]?"

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[ carnivalle ]

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   School have finished hours ago, the sun outside already setting, and yet—there was still a tall figure inside the first-year classroom; frantically searching for something inside her huge bag in the back left corner seat.

   "I-it's gone!"

   Lights are already off, but the orange glow from dusk illuminates inside the classroom through the window, making the class bright enough to see. While she was focusing on her bag, hands groping inside with panic—suddenly, a deep voice asked, resonating through the empty class:

   "Is this what you're searching for?"

   Startled, turns back to the source of voice—finding a crimson red haired boy with heterochromatic eyes standing beside the opened door; back leaned into the wall. Immediately, her eyes went wide. There was the least person in the school she would expect to be here—Akashi Seijuro, Rakuzan's student council president and basketball captain.

   "President?" The glasses, gloomy looking, long-haired girl gaped. "W-what—"

   But it feelt like her voice was immediately taken away when she saw the thing that he holds in his right hand. "T-the sweater!"


   The item that he gripped now, was none other than the red and white, polka dot sweater.

   It's [surname]'s.

   Akashi smirked for a second. After investigating where the rumor comes in the morning and afternoon (due to his status, he easily gained more information), Akashi got more clues and of course; proof about the actual threat.

   "Yumeko Ririka¹." Raising his hand which holds the red and white polka dot sweater, he narrowed his eyes, give her an intimidating gaze. "What are you doing with [name]'s sweater? Tell me."

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