-five: visîtation starts

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» five: visitation starts «



   "A-A-Akashi-san...what should I say to [surname]-san when I see her?"

   Trailing behind Akashi, Yumeko asked doubtfully, unconsciously tightening her grip on the red and white polka dot sweater she was holding. It seemed like she was worried.

   Well, she was forced to go with Akashi to her apartment (which unexpectedly was near Rakuzan) anyway to confess all the things she had done.

   How can it be not nerve-racking?

   Stopping his tracks when he was already in front of the lift, Akashi clicked the "up" button. Then, facing her, firmly answered with his serious expression:


   —And the result, she was scrambling.

   "B-but, I don't even know where to start! W-what if she gets angry at me? W-what would happen to me? W-what if she...finds me...weird..."

   Suddenly, her voice trails off as one of the lifts opened and eyes behind the thick glasses blinked, curiously following a certain familiar figure which came out—passing her and Akashi, stomping while going to the exit.

   "Is something wrong?"

   Startled, she looked at him who was already standing inside the opened lift. Her eyes widen and quickly, Yumeko ran to the lift—positioning herself beside Akashi, shaking her head a little.

   "N-no, I-I think I just saw Iinchou just now."

   The lift closed and a few seconds later, started going up. Akashi knitted his eyebrows, finding it a little weird. Her class representative? Which means...[surname]'s class representative?

   "Your class representative?"

   She nodded, eyes looking straight at the closed lift door. "She looked somewhat pissed, it's rare."

   Akashi didn't answer, eyes looking up at the number of floors that changed constantly one by one. He felt his chest tighten a little while waiting for the seventh floor. His patience was running thin. Sighing, he clicked his tongue.

   Somehow, he wanted to confirm everything with [surname] as soon as possible.

» - «

[ carnivalle ]

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   Ding! Dong!


   Grumbling, [surname] curses quietly while rubbing her eyes. Yawning, she sighed a little. Luckily, she was sleeping in the sofa in a sitting position (wrapped in a rainbow unicorn blanket)—so all she need to do was stand up, walk to the door, and open it.

   Slowly, she moved her feet and standing lazily, slowly walked to the front door.

   "If it's that bitch again..."

   Her voice trails off as her aura darkens, left hand resting on her left cheek which now had a red mark of five fingers on it. Clenching her right fist, she bit her lower lip, feeling irritated.

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