-(five pōint five)

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» five point five «

[ this is a side story ]




   [surname] blinked, not understanding the situation she was in while the girl in front of her smiled but somehow, there was a hint of malice there. "Hello, [surname]-san! I'm here to give you the materials distributed for the time you were absent."

   "Ah!" Receiving the pile of papers which she gave out with both hands, [surname] cutely smiled. "Thank you, Iinchou!"

   Looking at her pleased expression, the taller girl couldn't help but stare at her small yet enchanting figure—letting out a sinister smile; eyes glinting with envy. Really, why was there someone who born so perfectly? "You're so cute, [surname]-san. Even when you're sick, you're still...cute."

   [surname] blinked, hugging the pile of papers close to her chest, not understanding where this conversation was going. She hesitated but smiled awkwardly nevertheless. "T-thank you?"

   The female class representative sighed. "No doubt [boy]-kun got head over heals with you."

   For a few seconds, there was silence. [surname] processes the words that going inside her ear.

   "[boy]-kun?" Softly, [surname] asked—tilting her head a little to the left, didn't recognize the man that being talked. Somehow, she forgot.

   Was he too insignificant to be planted in her memory?

   "You don't remember?" Iinchou asked, her eyes widen a little. "The boy who gave you a box of chocolates the other day?"

   This time, the description rings a bell—an image of a male student flashed into [surname]'s mind.

   "Ah ...." She trailed off, hesitating a little before answering with her soft voice. "The one using a black and white scarf?"

   Iinchou gives her a halfhearted smile, secretly clenching her fists. "Yes, it's him."

   "But ... wasn't [boy]-kun Iinchou's boyfriend?" [surname] asked, even though she found it weird that [boy]-kun gives her chocolates; saying that it is for her to become taller (milk chocolates).

   But it was only once, and she thought that he done it with pure intention, mere good deed.

   "Ex-boyfriend." The female iinchou corrected. "We broke up weeks ago."

   "Ah—sorry—" [surname] suddenly feels uneasy, guilt panging in her chest, so this was her fault that their relationship broke?

   Hanging her head low, she ...

   ... holds the urge to laugh.

   "Ah, no, no. You don't need to feel sorry." She let out a huff, glancing at the petite girl beside her who hung her head low; gaze as cold as ice—and [surname] notices it. "After all, I can't be as cute as you, the one he really likes."

   Hearing her last statement, [surname] eyes widen, looking up with a—fake—shocked expression. "What?"

   "I can't be as cute as you." She repeated with a huff, but it sounds like she actually didn't want to repeat her words—teeth gritted in anger and fury. "I can't."

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