-(seven point seven)

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» seven point seven «

[ this is a side story ]



   "I thought I told you to wait for me."

   It was after the iinchou went back to her class with a gloomy expression. At first, [surname] thought to went back with her, but unfortunately, Akashi stopped her—telling her to stay, because of some things he wanted to discuss.

   And thus, here she was, specially getting a lecture by the student council president, Akashi Seijuro.

   Akashi crossed his arms, looking at her (in front of him, sitting nicely) with his eyes narrowed. There was a glint of concern dancing in his orbs, although almost can't be seen due to be dominated by wrath.

   Viewing Akashi's expression, [surname] felt guilt starting to build up inside her stomach.

   "So-sorry ... [name] couldn't really help it ...." She fidgets, playing with her fingers while hung her head low—staring at her little feet. "Iinchou was really amusing and interesting to watch."

   "Unbelievable." Akashi sighed, eyeing her petite figure, which shivers under his gaze (somehow, his stare was fiercer and scarier than usual). "Do you want to drag yourself down with her?"

   "[name] doesn't know." [surname] answered honestly, sighing a little, totally ignorant. "But it did seem fun. So [name] jumped out of [name]'s already-done plans and picked the new one instead."

   Fun? Akashi narrowed his eyes. What was fun while doing these things? "The recording?"

   "[name] edited it until halfway." [surname] smiled awkwardly, giggling a little bitterly. "But [name] did know ... that it wasn't enough."

   "Then don't." Akashi said, his expression was still sour. He found himself upset greatly at her behavior.

   Why, though? Is it because of the feeling being left out in the beginning? Is it because of how she opposed him without think twice? Or perhaps ... it was purely because of worry?

   Looking at him, [surname] put on a lopsided smirk.

   "Well ... [name] still wanted to view her expression though." She said with a sing-song yet sweet voice. "[name] thought to stop the audio after iinchou's voice only, but [name] doesn't know if it would be alright for the audiences~"

   Akashi looked at [surname] sternly. "You're really impossible."

   Hearing his remarks, she laughed melodically, certainly not minding his comment. "... Hehehe, but even so, Akashi-chan is [name]'s friend, it was a fact that Akashi-chan didn't deny when [name] stated that Akashi-chan was [name]'s friend~!"

   Akashi's eyes widened for a few seconds, then cough a little as he gained his composure back. "I believe that you have the intelligence to understand my words from yesterday. I don't—"

   "Yesterday is different from today." [surname] bravely cut his speech off, puffing her cheeks—faking an angry expression. "It's one hundred percent different."

   Akashi went silent—and suddenly, he realizes, that it was her plan from the start to hold more conversation with him. To become more than mere acquaintance, to talk way a lot more than before.

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