-three: hidden secret

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» three: hidden secret «



    "Why are you here?"

   Asking without looking away from his documents, Akashi sighed. It was after school, and yet, here she was—sitting in his secretary's seat (Minami and Aoyama have already gone home) rather than going home herself.

   Taking a glance at the clock—which shows the time, a quarter past five—he caught her answer, and from just the tone, he could guess that she was smiling and full of excitement:

   "Waiting for Akashi-chan, of course!"

   He hummed a little then nodded, not giving a care about her actions—continuing his work as if she was air.

   She didn't look offended either, and rather—takes her time to admire the room that usually couldn't be entered by anyone other than the student council's members. There was six long tables, where four are set horizontally, and the other two are set vertically. One for the student council's president, one for the vice president, one for the secretary, one for the treasurer, and the last two (vertical) are for the other members to use.

   The walls were painted in soft green color, then there was refrigerator in the corner which available for keeping foods and drinks, there were also two large windows which leads directly to the school's yard, and lastly—there was a huge white cupboard to keep student council files from month to month, year to year.

   "It's a little cold here ..." Suddenly, she commented—rotating the seat while hugging herself (the chairs for the vice president, president, and secretary are spinning chairs, after all), quivering a little.

   "Use your sweater." He replied, taking a glance at her figure in the midst of looking through the documents.

   "Eh~? [name]'s sweater?" She didn't stop spinning in her seat, hands on her knees, head looking up blankly—and for a minute, there was silence. "Ah—no, it's alright, [name] doesn't think it's that cold, really."

   Akashi raised an eyebrow.

   He finds it weird, because seeing her shivering state, it must be really cold for her (he admits that this room has quite a low temperature) but didn't say anything and rather, continues his work without caring about her.

   She was just an acquaintance after all.

» - «

[ carnivalle ]

» - «

   "Good morning, Akashi-chan!"

   Hearing a familiar voice, Akashi Seijuro stops in his tracks—taking a glance behind, finding [surname] a few steps behind, greeting him before the class starts with a bright, sweet smile while waving her right hand, left holding her bag (which had a rainbow unicorn patterned, foldable umbrella sticking out, and cute key chains attached on it).

   To be honest, he finds it weird that she keeps meddling with his life even though he obviously keeps a distance from her—but didn't think much, he ignores her, and starts walking again, and in the next minute, he vaguely hears [surname] greet another male student behind him.

   He didn't care.

   He keeps telling himself that he didn't care one bit about her, and yet—his steps get faster and faster as his heart suddenly tightens.

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