-two: catastrophīc

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» two: catastrophic «



      "Akashi-chan! Look at these flowers! Isn’t the color nice? [name] brought it for Akashi-chan!"

   A childish voice resonates throughout the student council's room as the door opened—revealing a petite figure with a red and white polka dot sweater, [surname] [name], the girl who recently started following Akashi Seijuro everywhere.

   Of course, the whole school was startled by the shocking news.

   Who would have predicted, that the school's cutest girl—[surname] [name]—was attracted to Rakuzan's scariest (yet most popular) guy—Akashi Seijuro—and tailed him wherever he went like a little chick following its mom?

   No one, right?

   And who would've thought that he’d let her do so? That Rakuzan's emperor would let her follow him like a lost puppy? Before, if there were girls who tried to get near him, he’d always shake them off with his intimidating glare and harsh words.

   ...So why was she an exception?

   Everyone couldn't help being curious. But of course, no one dared to ask him the details. Rather, they asked [surname] about it—which she answered with a bubbly, cute attitude:

   "Akashi-chan saved [name] when [bully]-senpai bullied [name]. That's why [name] feels the need to help Akashi-chan in any way [name] can!" She smiled cutely. "[name] already told Akashi-chan how [name] felt and that's why Akashi-chan lets [name] stay with Akashi-chan for a while."

   After the confessions, everyone couldn't help but let [surname] and Akashi be. They were touched. They gave her their support. She just wanted to pay him back, was what they all think. 

   (But well, actually, that statement really drags down [bully]'s reputation—and that's what our "protagonist" here definitely wants.)

   Now, back to the story.

   "Look!" Holding a paper bouquet filled with a variety of flowers, [surname] gleamed—taking hasty steps into the room (where Akashi, his secretary, and the vice president were) after closing the door. "There are roses! Daisies! Tulips! Orchids—eh?"

   She blinks when she suddenly feels that her footing is gone, gravity pulls her toward the ground and her grip onto the bouquet loosens, then...—


   —She falls, her rear meeting the hard ceramic floor of the student council's room which makes her softly whimper at the pain that greets her. But unfortunately, the paper bouquet and flowers fall next, tumbling all over the surrounding area. One managed to fall on her head before it reached the floor, making her flinch, blink, and realize...

   ...that the student council members are watching her right now.

   Shit, she could feel embarrassment creeping onto her face and currently, she bet that her face is as red as an apple. Biting her lower lip, she hung her head low—unable to look at their diverse expressions.

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