-six: visitation ends

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» six: visitation ends «



   "It all started when I saved [name] from the bullies," Akashi started, crossing his arms—eyes glinting icily. "Don't get the wrong impression. Helping you so that she's bullied and making me save her is all her objectives."

   Processing his words, Yumeko gasped, eyes widening a little. "W-w-what...so she saved me be-because..."

   Akashi frowned, eyeing [surname] that secretly listening beneath her sleeping act. "Yes. She didn't save you. She used you. That's the truth."

   Yumeko just couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was just something he made up, wasn't it? But...when did Akashi Seijuro ever joke? Everything he said was absolute, after all.

   So...it was true?

   Hanging her head low, Yumeko felt something inside her stomach churn badly—she was certainly upset and the bitterness was eating her alive.

   "I-I...can't believe it..."

   [surname] sneered. She was way too easy to deceive—and somehow, she didn't like it. Still not looking, she cracked a soft chuckle inside the room. "Even though Yumeko-chan is having a hard time believing it...it's the truth. This is reality. Reality is harsh."

   Yumeko clenched her hands, not arguing anymore; her face showed pain—and there were a few seconds of silence before Akashi decided to continue his storytelling.

   "After that, [name] told me about her situation—which was quite troublesome." Clicking his tongue, he gritted his teeth. "Her fans became brutal and kept fawning over her which I found later that it was mostly the fan club's members, not the fans in general."

   This time, [surname] took a slight peek from her crossed arms. Akashi understood that she was interested and needed more explanation.

   "They wanted to protect you but you got the wrong impression—seeing them as a nuisance." Glancing at her, he continued calmly. "And instead approached me to make them run away."

   [surname] blinked, mumbling with the end trailing off. "So...about [name]'s situation..."

   "Yes," he said, understanding her point. "Your fans already know, especially the members of the fan club—they know more and vowed to protect you. That is the reason why they were sticking to you so closely weeks ago, to prevent your things from stolen yet again."

   [surname] thought for a second before asking in a soft voice. "How?"

   "I bet they have connections," Akashi answered, looking at her composed state as if she didn't really care. "It seems like you are being stalked."

   "Ohhh..." She nodded, humming a little. "Well, as long as their stalking is still considered normal, then [name] doesn't mind."

   She smiled, planting her face again in her arms. "Anyway, moving on, [name] want to hear more things that Akashi-chan knows."

   Akashi sighed while Yumeko just sat there nicely, not knowing what to do other than listen. After all, she was just visiting [surname] to return her sweater and explain things—which was already done a few minutes ago.

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