-(eight point eight)

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» eight point eight «

[ this is a side story ]




   Stopped walking in the sidewalks, [surname]—who was walking in front of Akashi with arms and hands making a horizontal line—broke the silence between them, back facing him, voice seemed calm as ever, not like someone who was just sobbing loudly ten minutes ago.

   "... Sorry for suddenly crying."

   Wait, sidewalks? Walking in front of Akashi?

   ... What was actually happening?

   Well, you may say, that due to the girl crying because of him, Yumeko insisted Akashi to drop her best friend off on her apartment (while she hated to leave her alone, but need to went to supermarket, which was the opposite way, to buy stuffs for house chores). Of course, at first, Akashi declined, felt no obligation to do so.

   But then, [surname] agreed with him. She told Yumeko between her tears, that it was no need for Akashi to drop her off, considering her apartment was only a few blocks away—and she could walk there by herself.

   Hearing this, Akashi couldn't help but felt a little annoyed.


   He, too, didn't know.

   He tried to search for the answer—but, none. He just felt really weird. Was it because he expected her to clung onto him like always, to depend on him? So when she did not, he became annoyed because of things not going as he first expected?

   Or irritated due to the lackness of dependence?

   But ... wait.

   Was it really annoyance in the first place?

   Or ....

   ... Disappointment?

   For a few seconds, there was silence.

   Akashi was trying to sort his feelings out, while Yumeko, didn't buy her best friend's words one bit, didn't quit pleading Akashi to sent her home (which made the upperclassmen confused at her not-too-composed behavior). This time though, he—finally—agreed, earning a baffled glance from the certain [color] haired girl.

   And thus, this was the result.

   Akashi told his driver to pick him up in front of the apartment, as he decided to walk her until the front of the tall building. [surname] didn't argue, simply looking at him confused. But then walked in front of him with light steps—constantly hopping with Akashi followed behind.

   Before, there was only silence and soft hums (from the girl) present, but then she stopped and apologized, broke the peaceful situation. Akashi, stopping on his tracks too—unconsciously following her actions, was a little taken aback by her words, because he didn't think it was something worth to be sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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