Chapter Three

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It was Friday, the day that we filmed the Illea Capital Report. I was looking at the selection of ties I had. Ugh, was it seriously going to be this hard to get dressed everyday, with the ladies of The Selection to impress? Oh wait, they had to impress me, not the other way around. I picked a dark blue tie and went to tie it in front of my long mirror. "Do you need anything, your highness" my butler said walking in and giving me a bow.

"Not right now, thank you" I said looking at myself.

My butler went to put away some of the ties I had looked at, probably wondering why there were so many out. I sighed, and headed to the where they filmed The Report, excited that I would see America.


I turned toward the voice, smiling as Mother made her way toward me. "Hi Mom!'' I said embracing her.

"How are you, my dear? You seem nervous." she asked.

"I'm good."

She pushed some stray hairs back.

"Mom, do you think I will find the one?" I asked as I straightened my jacket.

She gave me a reassurring nod. "I think you will." We smiled at each other. We walked to our chairs and I observed the selected coming in. Girls were looking at themselves in mirrors and tugging at their colorful dresses. I looked at America in her blue dress talking to the people next to her. Gosh, she looked beautiful.

I turned to talk with a member of the crew as they explained where to stand and when. Two minutes before the cameras turned on, a lady in a orange dress turned toward the nearest trash can and threw up. Loudly. Silvia helped her, and put her in the back row, drawing my eyes to America again. She then looked up at me with her ice blue eyes. Quickly- so it would look like and itch to anyone else- I tugged my ear. She tugged hers and we both turned away. I was smiling when the anthem turned on.

Father was standing at the podium speaking about the small unsuccessful attack on the palace and complications due to the rebels. I found my gaze wandering away from Father, to America again. The Master of Events walked on to the stage and introduced Gavril, and my eyes flicked back to the set and composed myself. Gavril entered and began speaking.

"Good Evening, everyone. Tonight I have a special announcement. The Selection has been going for a week now and eight ladies have already gone home, leaving twenty-seven beautiful women to choose from. Next week, by hook or by crook, the majority of the Illea Capital Report will be dedicated to getting to know these amazing young women. Before we get to the ladies, let's take a moment with the man of the hour. How are you tonight, Prince Maxon?" Gavril asked me. Just before the microphone met my face, America caught my eye, giving me a wink. I smiled.

"I'm very well, Gavril, thank you." "Are you enjoying your company so far?" he asked. "Yes! It has been a pleasure getting to know these ladies." "Are they the sweet, gentle ladies they appear to be?" "Umm..."I looked at America, who was smiling. "Almost". "Almost?" Gavril asked, surprised, and turning toward the selected. "Is someone over there being naughty?" The ladies and America giggled. "What exactly did these girls do that isn't so sweet?" Gavril asked me. "Oh, well let me tell you." I said, getting comfortable in my chair and relaxing.

"One of them had the nerve to yell at me rather forcefully the first time we met. I was given a very severe scolding." A couple of the ladies whispered among each other. "A scolding, you say? Whatever for?" Gavril continued. "Honestly, I wasn't really sure. I think it was about of homesickness. Which is why I forgave her, of course." "So she's still with us, then" Gavril looked over at the girls, grinning, and looking back at me. "Oh, yes. She's still here," I said not taking my eyes off Gavril. "And I plan on keeping her here for quite a while" I said with a small smile.

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