Chapter Thirteen

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I sprinted up the stairs and though the  halls, hurrying to Father's office. I didn't have much time, and needed to use all of it. Marlee and Carter's lives depended on it.

As I passed one of our many parlours, a familiar guard passed me, giving me a bow. He began to walk away, until I froze and turned towards him.

"Can I help you, Your Highness?" He asked.

"In fact, you can. Tell me, did you just get off a shift in my Father's office?"

The guard look left in right in the hall before responding. "Yes, Sir. I am sorry for your-er-loss."

I nodded. "Did you by any chance overhear where he was sending them?"

I watched as the guard clearly debated in his mind if he would get in trouble for this. Eventually he gave in, and sighed. "His Majesty arranged them to go to Panama, Your Highness."

"Thank you, Officer. You are to not tell anyone of this encounter, do you understand?" I gave him a hard glance. If he said as much as a word to one of his buddies, and word got to my Father, I was done.

"Of course, Your Highness. You have my word."

I nodded, and resumed walking to Father's office. I had to bite back a smile as I turned the door knob. A part of me hated me for even think about smiling now, but then again, things weren't looking as grim as they were a couple moments ago. I composed my face and walked in.

Father briefly looked up when I walked in. I could tell by his posture that he was upset. I knew most of the anger was directed to me. I walked to my joke of a desk and sat down, not meeting Father's piercing gaze.


"I would rather not talk about it, Sir." I prayed that would be enough to convey that I might be giving up.

He grunted, letting my respose hang. "Preparations are close to finished," Father said, as if it was a party that was being planned and not a canning.

I swallowed, and nodded. Father stood from his seat and walked to the large map of Illea on the wall. He studied it in silence.

"Where are you sending them?" I asked. Even though I knew, I wanted to see if I could pry more information out of him.

He chuckled darkly. "Somewhere that will make them regret even laying a finger on each other."

I flinched at his dark tone. He used that tone frequently when I received my cannings.

I stood from my desk. "If it's alright with you sir, I would like to retire to my room."

He nodded, not turning away from the map. I quickly slipped out of the room, and ran towards my bedroom. Once I got to the door, I was nearly out of breath.

"Is everything alright, Your Highness?" One of the guards asked urgently.

"Yes. If anyone comes, tell them I am sleeping and will not take any visitors at this time." I walked into my room and rang for my butler.

A minute later he stood before me, giving a bow.

"I apologize for the late hour, but I have urgent business to attend to, and I need your discretion and help."

"Of course, Your Highness. How may I be of assistance?"

"Do you know of the metel box with my medicine in it in the hospital wing?"

"Yes, Your Highness"

"I need that box. Take the side door, I told my guards to not let anyone in."

"Are you hurt, Sir? I can bring Doctor Ashlar-"

"That will not be nessisary," I interrupted. "I am not hurt."

My butler hesitated, but bowed and hastily ran through the secret door by the fireplace.

I walked over to my table and looked it over. Stacks of folders littered the table, and I had to search through all of them if I hoped to find what I was looking for.

I brought the first stack closer to me, and began flipping throgh the pages. I was looking for the records, or any sort of document really, with a list of staff that had sold themselves to service at the palace. Father had given me a stack of them to look through, for whatever reason, a couple mounths ago. I hadn't even bothered looking at the first page, deeming it not important to do such a useless task. But now? Those documents coud save Marlee and Carter's lives.

A shot of urgencey went through me and I searched faster. I didn't even notice my butler return, until he cleared his throat. I looked up and nodded to him to set the box on the table. I sat down in a chair, exausted.

"May I ask what you are searching for, Your Highness?" the butler asked quietly.

I shook my head. "As much as I trust you, I want to involve the smallest amount of people possible. You have already done a lot. You are excused."

He hesitated. "Of course, Your Highness. But perhaps I should tell you that I set up the piles in a way that has the documents you haven't viewed recently in the back."

I froze and jumped up to the other side of the table. I noticed my butler smile and slip out the door, as I frantically continued to search. A clock chimed in the distance, telling me that it was two o'clock. I was close to giving up until I spotted a familliar folder. I picked it up and smiled.

I had found it.

Now all I had to do was search for a girl and boy from Panama around my age. I sighed, peeking at the back to see how many pages there were. 200. Well, it looked like I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. But in turn for saving Marlee and Carter? It would be compleatly worth it.

Since I am on winter break, I will have more time to write! Yay!! Happy Holidays everyone!


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