Chapter Sixteen

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The dining hall filled with faint complaints and the girls all tensed. I took a deep breath, “I don’t wish to draw this out unnecessarily, so only the following ladies will be staying. Lady Marlee and Lady Kriss. Lady Natalie and Lady Celeste. Lady Elise,” the room held their breath, “And Lady America.” I looked over to her and she relaxed, smiling.

The girls started crying, and I let out a long sigh. “To everyone else, I'm incredibly sorry, but I hope you all trust me when I say that I meant this to be a good thing for you. I don't want to raise anyone's hopes for no reason and risk your life in the process. If anyone who is leaving wants to speak with me, I'll be in the library down the hall, and you may visit me as soon as you finish eating.” I walked away quickly, wishing to catch a break. But behind me, I heard a couple pairs of heels chasing after me, wanting an explanation.


Finally, after a bit over an hour of explaining to the girls why I didn’t choose them, I was free. I raced to America's room, needing to attend to the tug of her ear. I knocked on the door, and it opened to her head maid. I walked into the room, and America jumped to her feet. “Ladies, we meet again.”

I looked over at America's maids. They curtseyed and giggled, and I turned my eyes to America.

“Do forgive me, but I need to speak with Lady America. Would you give us a moment?” I asked, not taking my eyes off her.

The maids curtseyed and giggled again.

“Can I bring you anything, your highness.” the head maid asked. “Not now, thank you.”

We were silent for a bit.

“I thought you might not keep me,” America admitted finally.

“Why?” I asked, confused.

“Because we fought. Because everything between us is weird. Because…” she trailed off.

I chose my words carefully as I walked forward toward her. I took her hands in mine, staring deeply into her blue eyes.

“First, let me say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's just that some of the committees and my father are already pressuring me in this, and I truly want to be able to make the decision for myself. It was frustrating to run into another situation where my opinion wasn't being taken seriously,”  I said, sincerely.

“Another situation?” She asked. “Well, you've seen my choices. Marlee is a favorite with the people, and that can’t can’t be overlooked. Celeste is a very powerful young woman, and she comes from an excellent family to align ourselves with. Natalie and Kriss are charming girls, both very agreeable and favorites of some in my family. Elise happens to have relations in New Asia. Since we're trying to end this damn war, that is something to consideration. I've been debated down and cornered from every side on this decision.”

“And why am I still here?” America whispered. She looked down at the floor.

“America, I thought I'd made myself clear,” I said calmly. I sighed and nudged her chin up with my hand. When she was looking into my eyes, I confessed.

“If this were a simpler matter, I'd have eliminated everyone else by now. I know how I feel about you. Maybe it's impulsive of me to think I could be so sure, but I am certain I would be happy with you.”

America blushed, and blinked back tears.

“There are moments when I feel like you and I have broken down every last wall, and then the others when when I think you only want to stay for convenience. If I knew for sure that I, and I alone, was your motivation…” I shook my head, pausing. “Would I be wrong in saying that you're still unsure of me?”


“Then I have to hedge my bets. You may decide to leave, and I will let you go if you do. In the meantime, I have to find a wife. I'm trying to make the best decision I can within the boundaries I've been given, but please, don’t doubt for a moment that I care for you. Deeply.”

America was crying now. “Maxon? Can you… can you ever forgive-?” she sobbed.

I stepped closer and wiped the tears of her face with my fingers. “Forgive what? Our stupid little fight? It's already forgotten. Your feelings being slower than mine? I'm prepared to wait,” I said with a shrug. “I don’t think there's anything you could do that I couldn't forgive. Need I remind you of the knee to my groin?”

She laughed, and I chuckled once, but soon became serious.

“What's wrong?” she asked.

I shook my head. “They were so fast this time. I’m getting more and more worried, America. North or South, they're getting exceptionally determined. It seems they won't stop until they get what they want, and we haven't the faintest clue what it is. It's only a matter of time until they destroy someone important to me.” I looked into her eyes.

“You know, you still have a choice in this. If you're afraid to stay, you should say so.” I paused, thinking. “Or if you don't think you can love me at all, it would be kinder to tell me now. I'll let you go on your way, and we can part as friends.”

America wrapped her arms around me, resting her head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her after a second. “Maxon, I'm not completely sure what we are, but we’re definitely more than friends.”

I let out a sigh in relief. My heart was rushing. I cupped her cheek, and asked with my eyes. She gave me a tiny nod, and I kissed her. I smiled, and it lingered for a long time after.

Next Chapter is the beginning of The Elite! Thank you for all the likes, views, and comments by the way!


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