Chapter Ten

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"People of Illea, do we have a treat for you!" Gavril announced, grandly. "This evening we'll be getting the inside scoop from each of these young women. We know you've been dying to meet them and hear how things are coming along with our Prince Maxon, so tonight...we're just going to ask! Let's get started with...Miss Celeste Newsome of Clermont!"

Celeste's interview was...interesting. And Bariel's as well, as a matter of fact. Celeste and Bariel kept on winking at me and bending forward a lot toward the camera. But a lot of the other interviews showed that the girls were composed, and nervous. Thankfully, they relaxed after a bit of being on camera. The questions that everyone was asked was 'What do you think of Prince Maxon?' and 'Are you the girl who yelled at him?' I nearly laughed at that, I wonder what America would say. Some of the ladies asked if I has kissed them yet. After a couple of nos, Gavril turned toward me.

"Haven't you kissed any of them yet?" he asked, a little shocked.

"They've only been here two weeks! What kind of man do you think I am?" I said lightheartedly, but I squirmed in my seat a little. I had never kissed anyone before, which was one reason why I was holding back. I wanted to find the right person for my first.

Soon it was America's turn and I caught her looking over at me. I gave her a tiny wink and she relaxed. She shook Gavril's hand and sat down on the chair. "America Singer. That's an interesting name you have there. Is there a story behind it?" Gavril asked.

"Yes, actually. While my mom was pregnant with me, I kicked a lot. She said she had a fighter on her hands, so she named me after the country that fought so hard to keep this land together. It's odd, but to her credit, she was right-we've been fighting ever since."

Gavril laughed, She sounds like a feisty woman herself."

"She is. I get a lot of her stubbornness from her," she said.

"So you're stubborn then? Have a bit of a temper?"

I covered my mouth with my hand, laughing.

"Sometimes" she said, spotting me.

"If you have a temper, would you happen to be the one who yelled at our prince?" Gavril asked.

She sighed, "Yes, that was me. And right now, my mother is having a heart attack."

I had to say something, I had to. "Get her to tell the whole story!" I called out to Gavril.

"Oh! What's the whole story?" Gavril asked, whipping his head back and forth.

America tried to glare at me, but failed. "I got a little...claustrophobic the first night, and I was desprate to get outside. The guards wouldn't let me through the doors. I was actually about to faint in this one guard's arms, but Prince Maxon was walking by and made them open the doors for me."

"Aw," Gavril said, tilting his head to one side slightly.

"Yes, and then he followed to make sure I was all right... But I was stressed out, so when he spoke to me, I basically ended up accusing him of being stuck-up and shallow."

Gavril chuckled at that. I has shaking with laughter, and I heard Mom and Father laughing as well beside me.

"And he forgave you?" Gavril asked.

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