Chapter Nine

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I wanted to marry America.

I didn't let myself think that before, but now with her father's approval, I felt I could.

I wanted to marry her.

I adjusted my vest, and looked into the mirror. I certainly looked like a pirate. I had not shaved for a few days so I had a bit of fuzz on the bottom of my chin. My pants were torn in places, I had a loose shirt on, and a bandanna on my head. I hadn't had this much fun in a long time.

I heard a knock on my door, and my butler ran to open it. "Your Majesties." I heard him say.

I turned to my parents, smiling a little. "I love your costumes." I said to the both of them.

Mom looked absolutly stunning in her dark blue-almost black- dress. The glittering crystals on the dress led me to believe that she was dressed as the night sky. Father had dressed as a medieval king, but his crown may have been actual gold. I couldn't imagine how heavy the thing could be, but then again he had done it many times in the past.

"Thank you, Maxon. You are a pirate?" Mom asked, smiling.

I gave her an overly exaggerated bow in answer, as she giggled a little.

"Are you ready?" Father asked.

"I am, Sir." I responded, straightening up. "Shall we?"

He nodded, and made his way to the door, Mom still holding on to his arm. The butler opened the door and bowed to us as we passed.

"Have fun, Your Highness." he whispered as I passed him.

"Thank you." I whispered back, and the door closed behind me.

We made our way through the palace, to where the party was being held. The closer we got, the louder the music and laughter got. It made me smile to hear everyone enjoying themselves. I quickly straightened my vest again, and prepared to get announced as the music quieted. "Ladies of the Selection, gentlemen of the guard, and friends and relatives of the royal family, please welcome King Clarkson, Queen Amberly, and Prince Maxon Schreave."

The band swelled with music as we entered. The guests and the Elite bowed and curtsied as we passed them. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please clear the floor for King Clarkson and Queen Amberly's first dance," the DJ announced.

I moved to where Kriss and Natalie were standing, smiling at their costumes. Natalie and Kriss had dressed as spring and fall. "You both look lovely," I whispered.

"Thank you, Maxon." Kriss responded, as Natalie smiled. "

You look handsome yourself." Natalie added.

"Thank you." I said with a nod.

I surveyed the room, looking for all the other girls. Elise was dressed in a traditional asian dress, Marlee dressed as an angel, and Celeste as a peacock. But once I set my eyes on America, I had to make myself tear my eyes away. She was the definition of beauty.

Eventually I moved my gaze to my parents, contemplating between asking Kriss or Natalie for my first dance. I knew I was going to save America for last, so I could spend the rest of the night with her. As the music played it's final notes, and my parents left the floor, I knew my choice. I turned to Natalie, "Would you like to dance?"

Natalie laughed and tilted her head to the side. She quickly took my arm, as I led her to the dance floor.


"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked Elise later.

"Yes. The party is really nice. You did a good job organizing it," she said, giving me a tiny smile.

"Thank you." I whispered, twirling her. I had already danced with Natalie and Kriss, and now was on my second time with Elise. I hoped that this would help me figure out who to eliminate, but had gotten no where.

The song ended, and I kissed Elise's hand. "Thank you for this dance." I said. Elise smiled again, and slowly walked over to the refreshments. I made my way to a couch to get some peace and quiet.

As I looked around the room, I saw Celeste holding a drink in her hand, taking slow sips from it. When I caught her eye, she gave me a wink. Bold. I quickly made a come over here motion with my hand, and she made her way to me.

Celeste gave me a smile, taking a seat next to me. "You look wonderful." I said.

"Thank you, Maxon. You costume is really creative," she responded.

"What do you think about this party?" I said, nodding to the room.

"Well, it is certainly a party. How are you finding the party?"

I laughed. "I'm certainly enjoying."

I heard the music start to die down, and I checked the clock. "Would you like to dance with me?" I asked, standing up, and holding my hand out for her.

"I would love to." Celeste said, taking my hand.

Sorry that I was taking so long to update! I have school now, so I don't have as much time to write.


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