Chapter Sixteen

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I took them down a long stairwell that opened to a narrow hallway lined with doors. "In here."

Marlee and Carter followed me into the small room. I heard Marlee's stomach growl as she saw the bread on the table. I couldn't imagine how hungry they were.

"I know it's not much, but you'll be safe here," I said, looking around the room. "I'm sorry I can't do better."

Carter shook his head. "How can you be apologizing to us? Our lives were supposed to end hours ago; but we're alive, together, and we have a home." We shared a look. "I know that what I did was technically treason, but it had nothing to do with a lack of respect for you."

"I know."

"Good. So when I say that no one in this kingdom will every be as loyal to you as me, I hope you believe it." He winced as he finished speaking, and fell into me.

"Let's get you to bed," Marlee said, moving under his shoulder. Together, we laid him on his stomach on the bed.

"A nurse will come and check on you in the morning," I explained. "You can have a few days of rest, and you should stay in here as much as you can during that time. In three or four days, I'll have you put on the official work orders, and someone from the kitchen will give you something to do. I don'tknow what your exact jobs will be, but just do your best at whatever you're asked."

"I'll check on you as often as I can. For now, no one will know you're here. Not the guards, not the Elite, not even your families. You will interact with a small group of people on the palace staff, and the chances of them recognizing you are slim. Still, from now on your names are Mallory and Carson. This is the only way I can protect you."

Marlee looked up at me. "You've done so much for us. Thank you."

"I wish it was more," I answered. "I am going to try to get some of your personal items if I can. Beyond this, is there anything I can give you? If it's within reason, I promise I'll try."

"One thing," Carter said tiredly. "When you get a chance, can you find us a preacher?"

Marlee's eyes filled up with tears.

"Sorry," he added. "I know that's not the most romantic proposal."

"Yes, all the same," she murmured.

Carter's eyes filled with tears, and I watched them, smiling.

"It would be my pleasure," I said after a moment. "I'm not sure how long that will take, but I'll make it happen." I pulled out the medication from my pocket and set them beside the bread. "Use the salve again tonight, and rest as much as you can. The nurse will see to anything else tomorrow."

Marlee nodded. "I'll take care of us."

I quickly pulled up my hood, and backed out of the room, smiling as I went.


Walking down the hall, I climbed numerous sets of stairs, using the passageways to get to my room. As I opened the door and entered my room, I moved to call my butler and I collapsed in my chair. I sighed in relief.

"Coffee, Your Highness?" My butler asked, stepping into my room, a tray in his hands.

"Yes, please," I answered, grateful.

"How did it go?" He asked quietly, as he poured me a cup.

"Very well. Thank you so much for your help."

"There is no need to thank me, Your Highness. It was nothing really. You should be the one that should be thanked, you just saved two innocent lives. I know you will make a wonderful king when the time comes."

I was humbled by his words. It wasn't often when I got genuine praise like that. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome," my butler replied with a smile.


I hesitantly knocked on America's door. When no one came to answer it, I quietly opened it.

"America?" I asked quietly.

She didn't answer.

I shut the door and moved to stand by her bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice."

She still didn't answer.

"It was that or kill them," I continued. "The cameras found them last night and circulated the footage without us knowing."

I fell silent, hoping America would respond. After a while, I knelt beside her. "America? Look at me, darling?"

Her blue eyes finally turned to me.

"I had to. I had to."

"How could you just stand there? How could you not do anything?" She demanded, her voice scratchy from crying.

"I told you once before that part of this job is looking calm, even when you aren't. It's something I've had to master. You will, too."

America's brow folded together, and realization flooded me. My expression fell into shock as I searched for words.

"America, I know you're upset, but please? I told you; you're the only one. Please don't do this," I pleaded.

"Maxon," she said slowly, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do this. I could never stand by and watch someone get hurt like that, knowing it was my judgment that sent them there. I can't be a princess."

I could feel my heart cracking as I drew in a staggered breath. "America, you're basing the rest of your life on five minutes of someone else's. Things like that rarely happen. You wouldn't have to do that."

She sat up. "I just... I can't even think right now."

"Then don't," I urged. "Don't let this make a decision for the both of us when you're so upset."

"Please," I begged, clutching her hands. She looked at me. "You promised you'd stay with me. Don't give up, not like this. Please."

America let out a breath and nodded.

I sighed in relief, still holding her hand. "Thank you."

I stared at her, as I looked to collect my thoughts. "I know...," I started. "I know that you're hesitant about the job. I always knew that would be hard for you to embrace. And I'm sure this makes it harder. But... what about me? Do you feel sure about me?"

She fidgeted. "I told you I couldn't think."

"Oh. Right," I said, dejected. "I'll let you be for now. We'll talk soon though."

I leaned forward, about to kiss her. America looked down, and I cleared my throat. "Goodbye, America."

And then I left.

Poor Maxon!😥 I feel so sorry for him.


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