Chapter Eleven

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After my first kiss with America, I felt a bit more confident with how to act around the other ladies. So now I was on another date, with Olivia.

"Follow me!" I said, leading Olivia to a door.

"Where are we going, your highness?" she asked, giggling.

"It's a surprise, and call me Maxon" I said, pausing for a second.

She smiled and nodded at me. I opened the door, and led her us a set of stairs, to the roof.

It was perfect tonight. The city lights twinkled all around us, as we looked around. The September breeze wasn't to warm or cold. I looked at Olivia, who was admiring the view, and I decided to be bold. I pulled her in, and kissed her. She made a surprised sound, but didn't protest or push me away. I pulled away from her and we just stared at each other. I kind of felt that I was cheating on America, but it was part of the competition. Olivia blushed at my gaze and looked back out at Angeles. I turned away also, and sighed quietly in relief. At least this kiss wasn't a total fail.


I traveled down the hallway toward Father's office. I had just left Elise's room, after giving her 2 combs as a gift. At least this helped me find out who I liked and satisfy Father. I knocked on the oak door, firmly, and let myself into Father's office. I nearly ran into one of the advisers, as I entered, who was just leaving.

"Oh! Pardon me, your highness. I didn't see you there." he said bowing to me. He passed by me quickly, not waiting for my reply. He must have been in a hurry to something. I turned to Father who was scribbling a letter down onto a peice of paper, oblivious to my run in with the adviser. 

I walked to my tiny desk in the corner and saw a small stack of paper that I needed to go through.

"Oh, hello Maxon," Father said finally, looking up briefly from his letter.

"Good Morning, Sir," I replied, sitting on my chair.

"The Swendway royal family and your mother's family will be visiting in 3 days, so you know. I think this would be a good time to show the Selected how to behave at events," Father said, continuing to write.

"Shall I sent a note to Silvia, then? Let her know to start with lessons as soon as possible?" I asked.

"I already did that. How did giving the combs to Lady Elise go?"

"Very well, Sir. Thank you for giving me the idea of giving her a gift." I turned to the document, scaning the front page.

"Good" Father said, and he fell silent.



I felt a tug on my suit coat as a tiny pair of giggles ran away from me. I held my camera up and tried to get a shot of their mischievous smiles, looking back to see if I was following them. I brought the camera down and ran after my cousins, laughing. I snapped a couple more pictures and looked around at the Selected. America was standing alone by the refreshment table, holding a glass of wine.

I walked behind her "Smile."

She turned and I took a picture of her surprised face. She bounced back, but soon turned away.

"Something wrong?" I asked, worridly and lowering my camera.

America shrugged. "I don't feel like being a part of the Selection right now," she answered curtly.

I stepped closer and lowered my voice. "Need someone to talk to, I could tug my ear right now," I offered.

She sighed and smiled weakly, "No, I just need to think." She turned away to leave.

"America," I said quietly. She stopped and turned. "Have I done something?" I asked.

She hesitated, and debated something in her head.

"Prince Maxon?"

We both turned toward Celeste, who was talking with the Queen of Swendway. She waved at me, inviting me over.

"Why don't you run along?" America asked, irritated.

I looked at her. This was part of the deal, and she knew it.

"Careful with that one." she said, giving me a quck curtsey and walking away before I could protest.

What was her deal? I shook my head. I would try to tug my ear later, I wanted to know what I did wrong. I headed over to Celeste and she took my arm and continued to chat with the Queen. I didn't pay much attention to what they were discussing.

One of my many cousins ran to me and clung to my leg. "Maxon! Maxon! Play with me!" he cried.

"Excuse me." I turned toward him, and he chased me across the lawn. His laughter filled my ears as we ran around shrubs and trees.

I stopped finally, waving my hands in the air in defeat, catching my breath. We laughed again, and I turned. America stood, staring at me. My big smile faded, and I searched her expression for her mood. She bit her lip and looked down. Slowly she looked up beneath her eyelashes at me and smiled.

I smiled back, and turned to my cousin. "Why don't you show your Aunt Amberly how fast you can run?" I whispered into his ear. He immediately turned and ran away, eager to fulfill his new quest.

I turned back to America and tugged my ear. She tugged her ear back at me, smiling.

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