Chapter Six

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I walked up to Celeste's door, and knocked on it, nervousness creeping up on me. Why on earth was I so nervous? I had gone on so many dates so far, so why was this any different?

The door opened to one of Celeste's maids. She gave me a deep curtsey and stepped aside, letting me in. Celeste was sitting an a chair, paging through a magazine.

She looked up and smiled when she saw me. Setting her magazine aside, Celeste rose from her chair.

"Shall we?" I asked, holding out my arm. She took my arm and nodded, smiling.

"Is there anything you would like to do?" I asked her as we walked through the halls.

She pursed her lips, thinking. "Well, would you like to do a photoshoot? I remember you saying when we met that we could do one sometime."

I nodded. "I know a library that we could do one in." I steered her toward the stairs that led up to the fourth floor.

We walked a bit until we got to one of the many libraries we had on the fourth floor. "Why don't you wait here and think of some poses or which props to use, while I quickly get my camera?" I asked.

"Alright," Celeste said walking into the library, as I quickly dashed to my room.

I grabbed one of my many treasured cameras, and headed back to the library, still trying to calm my nerves. When I walked into the libray, it looked different than what I remembered. But I couldn't quite place what it was. Celeste was sitting on the couch, her eyes closed. I silently took a picture of her. Sometimes, the best pictures were the ones that were not staged of posed for.

I cleared my throat, and her eyes flashed open. "That was fast! Would you like to start?" she asked, standing.

We started off with Celeste leaning against some bookshelves. There was no denying that she was a very good model. She angled herself in just the right way, the light from the windows shining in all the right places. I barely had to instruct her, which was quite nice. The more pictures we took, the more I felt myself relax. It was in these moments with Celeste that I questioned why America hated her so. I didn't understand. Celeste was nothing but sweet to me.

Between shots, I looked up at the clock. "Is it really almost four? I am so sorry, my dear. I have lost track of time. I have a meeting I need to get to soon," I exclaimed.

Celeste smiled. "Time flies when you are having fun."

I led her out into the hall, stopping by the stair case. "Do you know your way back from here?" I asked.

"Yes. Thank you for this date. You are an amazing photographer," Celeste said.

"Thank you for joining me. I'll see you soon." I whispered, kissing her on the lips.

I sprinted down the steps, trying my best not to trip. By the time I had reached the second floor, I was exhausted. Climbing down stairs was harder than I thought. I really needed to workout more.

I pushed open the door to the meeting room, and was met with Father's irritated glare. I was late. Again. "Sorry," I muttered, sitting down in a leather chair as the adviser resumed his speech about the andvances in the war in New Asia.


"Why were you late for the meeting again, Maxon?" Father demanded, once we were back into his office.

"I am sorry, Sir. I was on a date with Lady Celeste, and we lost track of time."

It may have been the light, but I could have sworn I saw him smile a little. "Don't let it happen again. Getting distracted, I mean."

I nodded, and paused. "I'll be going on a date with Lady Kriss tomorrow morning, so I will not be in for a few hours. Is there anything important for tomorrow that I can do now?" I actually hadn't asked Kriss yet, but I was sure she wouldn't decline.

"All work is important, Maxon. Work on those budget reports." Father instructed, dismissing me as he sat in his chair.

I quickly sat at my table and wrote a letter to Kriss, asking if she would join me for a date. I gave it to a nearby butler and as he headed off to give it to her. As I got started on the stupid reports, I let out a quiet sigh. I swear, Father was giving me the same stuff everyday. It was getting on my nerves. I wanted to actually do something that would help Illea.

But you are, I told myself. You are finding a wife.

I apologize it took so long to update! What did you think of this date? It was kind of difficult to write about Maxon going on a date wth someone other than America. It's different. (that was one of the reasons why it took so long)
(By the way, I will barely be updating from now to early September, because I will be traveling and school will be starting up again for me.)


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