[WELCOME 2018]

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It's finally 2018! And with a new year, comes a new theme! My writing approach will be a little different, but it's still the same author/style. Just a few formatting differences.

Anyways, I've also gotten so many views on this book that I've decided to do thirteen facts about the author!

1) I'm first chair French Horn in my band (there's not much competition, there's only two of us).

2) I'm super obsessed with video games. I have over thirty DS games.

3) I love to write (obviously). When I was younger, I had to hid my writings because my mom wanted to read them and I was super embarrassed.

4) I love Harry Potter. I'm in the process of writing a fanfic right now. Would any of you read it? It's about Theodore Nott.

5) I'm also pretty good at drawing. My artwork was featured at a college last year and I'm really sad that I can't take art this year.

6) I have two sisters. They are both annoying as hell. But I love them anyways.

7) I wear glasses and have braces. Total geek, am I right?

8) I'm somehow considered the fashion guru of my household (don't ask, I haven't got a clue as to why).

9) Danganronpa's my first anime. I'm hoping to get into Hetalia as one of my friends watches it.

10) My family constantly makes fun of me and thinks it's okay. Yeah, I have real low self esteem...

11) I can write pretty decently with my feet.

12) I like to sing yet I don't really know if I'm good at it or not. My family says I'm good, but I'm not so sure.

13) Music is my life! I love musicals (Heathers, Little Shop of Horrors, Hamilton)!

And there you have it! Thirteen facts about me! Have a happy New Years!

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