|Mark-I Love You|

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It was early New Years Eve and you were really sad because your boyfriend just broke up with you.

One of your closest friends Mark invited you to go to New York with him to see the ball drop. At first you were very hesitant to go but you figured that you couldn't sit around and cry over one guy. You eventually said yes to Mark before it was too late.

Right now you were on the plane headed to New York from L.A.

"Hey Y/N, when we get to New York I don't want you being sad its supposed to be fun"

You let out a deep sigh "I know it's just that-"

"No no no, I get that Chanyeol broke up with you before New Years, trust me I would be sad as well but you need to forget about him"

"But he was so perfect" You whined

"If he was so perfect then he wouldn't have broken up with you the way he did"

"I guess"

The pilot came on the intercom on the plane "We are landing in New York"

You grabbed your bags off the plane, got through security and called an Uber to take you guys to the hotel you were staying in

You arrived at the hotel about 20 minutes later

"Its so big, how much was it again"

"125 dollars a night per room"

"I'll pay for my room or pay you back if you want"

"Who said I got two rooms"

You looked at him curiously as you guys got out the car and walked to the front desk

"I got one room, two beds I'm not made of money you know"


You stood around while Mark talked to the lady at the front desk and just smiled at him. You always had a small crush on Mark but you didn't show it, you thought if you confessed it would ruin you guys' friendship.

You saw Mark grab the keys and he signaled for you to walk with him

"What's the room number Mark"

"214, second floor"

You guys got on the elevator and went to your room and it was huge

"This room is big are you sure you can pay for it"

"Yes, I'm 100% sure"

You guys started unpacking your stuff and got comfortable because you were staying there for a week

10 Minutes Later~

You let out a deep, long sigh to make sure Mark could hear you and it worked because he looked up from his phone and diverted his attention to you "What's up"

"I'm bored"

"On the way here I saw a park or something like that, you wanna go"

"Sure, let me put on different clothes first"

You got in the shower and got out and got dressed

"It took you so long, I started to think that you drowned"

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"It took you so long, I started to think that you drowned"

You hit his arm playfully as he laughed. He grabbed the room key as you guys left.

You called an Uber to drive you to the mall

"Mark what time is it"

"6:46 why"

"At about 8:00 we have to head over to Times Square"

"Ahh..okay" Mark said as a big smile came across his face

Mark's POV~

I checked my jacket pocket to make sure I had the necklace. I planned to confess to Y/N while the ball starts dropping 

Your POV~

You had arrived to the park at 7:15 and saw a bunch of happy couples and kids all around ice skating and whatnot, it made you smile kinda sadly and Mark noticed and pulled you into a hug

"Didn't I say to be happy"

"I am"

"No you're not I can see the way you're smiling"

"No I don't know what you see but I'm smiling like the happiest person alive"

Mark let go and spoke "Well I looked on maps and the place where the ball is dropping is about 10 minutes away, we can walk if you want"


You guys walked through the park talking and laughing. Oh how much you wanted to be with Mark but he didn't see you like that sadly you weren't his type

You guys got to Times Square and boy was is huge you guys even were able to get to the front

Time Skip [30 seconds before ball drop]~

Mark turned to you "Y/N, I need to tell you something"


He opened up a box with a necklace in it "I love you and I always have, but you were dating Chanyeol and I wanted you, he didn't treat you right, will you be my girlfriend please"

10 seconds left and you looked up and you guys were on the big jumbotron and they had a mic next to you guys so everybody could hear

"Yes, yes, yes I will be your girlfriend" 

"HAPPY NEW YEAR" and "AWWW" was heard throughout the whole place as you and Mark kissed

It was the best New Year ever

A.N. Sorry for not updating in a long time I'm just going through a lot of stuff right now and I haven't been in the right place

I hoped that you guys liked this chapter

Should I make a part two

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