The End// Chapter 27

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Staring ahead at the white creamy walls, my previous thoughts were confirmed.

Yup, I absolutely hate hospitals.

There was something about how the blandest colors were chosen for the building and how everyone seated anxiously in the waiting room were here for literally either life or death. The cafeteria was right across from where visitors were sat as if testing to see if we craved anything else besides knowledge concerning the patient we were here for.

Annabeth would have laughed at the thought and told me to stop shooting daggers at the cupcakes displayed at the windows. She would have told me that everything would be fine, and to go buy a godforsaken cupcake if I was actually that hungry.

But no. Annabeth wasn't next to me. She was probably still in the middle of surgery. The thought of doctors cutting her open and examining her while her body laid unconscious on an operating table caused shivers to run down my spine every time the thought entered my mind, which was every few minutes. I glanced over at Piper, who gave me a weak smile. On our rapid drive here, Will had fixed her wounds as best as he could. "You'll be bruised for a while along with a swollen ankle, but you'll be fine. Just get your head checked out. I'm sure there's internal bleeding," he had told her right before he popped her dislocated nose back into place. That had caused a whole lot of howling from her, along with Leo almost crashing the vehicle. Since she was right next to me, she ended up kicking me in my side while I was putting pressure on Annabeth's wound. After I had doubled over in pain, Will took a good examination of my side and confirmed, "Broken ribs." Jason seemed to have gotten the most external damage out of us. The results had left him with a cast over his left leg and right arm.

However, since Annabeth was carried off into surgery we hadn't bothered getting a checkup of our own. We wanted the least amount of doctors distracted from saving her life. I sighed over at them and grumbled, "This whole mess could have been avoided if you all had just steered clear from that violence."

I didn't have to look up at them to know they were all staring down in shame.

Leo scoffed and muttered, "Not you, apparently. Criminal drug lord runs in your veins." "Leo!" Piper scolded and gave him a hard look. He simply shrugged and continued, "Hey, he can scold us all he wants, but this would've ended up his fight whether we were involved in the first place or not." I could only sigh in response. That part, I couldn't deny, was true. I should be thankful I ended up on the right side of this battle. I just wish my father and my girlfriend hadn't brought each other down.

Reyna got up and sighed. "Come on, Annabeth won't be out of surgery for another couple of hours. Even then, only immediate family gets the first visits. Let's go grab a few bites and then we can discuss how we're going to retire from the crime life. We earned it." We all grunted in agreement and headed for the cafeteria.



For a few seconds, all I could hear was the sound of my heart pumping loudly in my chest. After a minute or two, the strange noises above me cleared out to voices. Voices I didn't recognize. That thought alone was enough to cause my heart to pump even faster. However, the real panic began when the pain set in. It licked every inch of my body, causing me to yell and squirm loudly. Except, I couldn't.

I felt unable to move any part of my body; even my eyelids stayed closed. Waves of pain continued to circulate all over my body as if it traveled with the blood that rushed to my head and then down to my toes. The pain was so unbearable I could barely form a single thought. I wanted to cry from not only that but also the frustration and yearning to be in control of some part of me.

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