Truth// Chapter 16

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I spent the next fifteen minutes getting dressed and looking decent for when Piper came back. Though it was a challenge due to, of course, the sore feeling coming from between my legs, I sufficed with the small task without needing Percy's help. Though he kept occasionally asking if I was sure I could walk by myself.

He kept giving me apologetic smiles as we got dressed. He sat down on his bed and I wrapped my arms around him from behind. "You don't have to feel guilty, you know. I knew I'd have a bad case of wobbly knees after, but I don't regret it." Kissing his cheek softly, I breathed in the scent of the ocean. Damn did I love that smell.

He heaved a sigh and pushed some of the unbrushed locks that were plastered to my forehead out of my way. "I know, I just wish we could've done that without you suffering."

I shrugged. "I enjoyed it and that's all that matters." I moved onto his lap and stared at him. "I wouldn't take any of it back, even if it meant I'd be hurting for even longer. Besides, I've been through worse. You watched me get shot in the leg." My stomach lurched as he frowned; I knew I shouldn't have brought that up.

"Are you really going to do this? This war?"

"It's already started, Perce. There's really not much of a choice left."

"Call it off."

I scoffed at that. "You know we would never do that. We spent all this time preparing-" "You've also spent all this time living. I wouldn't want you to die now." I could feel myself getting agitated with him. How could he not see that there was no possible way we could stop all this now without giving in to them. I looked back up into his eyes. My breath hitched as I stared at sea-green eyes that were filled with concern and love. He just wanted to keep me safe. I'm sure if the roles would switch, I'd be begging him to drop out of the gang. I should be glad he's not making me even think about doing that. "Before you start a war," I sang softly into his ear, "you better know what you're fighting for."

The corner of his lips twitched slightly. "Well, baby you are all that I adore," he sang after me. "If love is what you need, a soldier I will be."


Piper came back shortly afterward and I made myself comfortable on Percy's couch. Well, as comfortable as I could get. I grabbed my coffee and quietly thanked Piper. Her eyes stayed glued on us, a smile plastered to her face. "Now that we're all comfortable, I demand details. Like right now."

I sighed loudly. "Pipes, there's nothing to talk about. We had sex. Big deal."

"Huge deal. You're all grown up now!" She squealed happily. "I'm just so glad you guys are in a relationship." Percy and I looked over at each other; there was a small blush on both of our faces. "Yeah, me too..." He said softly. I nodded in agreement.

Deciding to change the subject before Piper interrogated me for a full description on last night, I asked, "So how's Jason?"

Her breath hitched as she rubbed her temple with her fingers. "I wouldn't know. I left my place early in the morning and I didn't really get a chance to answer his texts."

I raised an eyebrow and bit my lip nervously. "He seemed like he had something he wanted to say to you. He canceled our goddamn meeting and everything." She nodded. "Yeah, he said it. Don't worry about it. It's nothing." Percy raised an eyebrow. "What meeting?" My breath hitched. I stared down at my hands for a while before finally saying, "Jason wanted to discuss our strategy-"

"Wait a minute," Piper interrupted me, "Percy knows?!"

I hesitantly nodded. "I told him last night. He deserves to know, Piper."

Questioning glares were shot my way as she tried to keep her voice at bay. "I thought we agreed we weren't going to ruin this kid's life by dragging him into this." "I'm sorry, Piper." She shook her head and quietly said, "It's bad enough that we were already in his life. But with the information he knows?! Blood is going to be spilled."

Percy, who had been watching us argue, decided to finally speak up. "I'm glad I know. Now I don't have to wonder why my friends grow quiet every time I join them in the lunch room table." That seemed to have gotten her since she grew silent.

After a while, she said, "I was trying to protect you. I didn't want to put your normality on the line."

"It wasn't your call to make. It's my life."

She sighed again. Worry lines were visible on her face. "Besides, I didn't think the war would actually start. Precautionary measures were being taken, but I thought that was it." I bit my lip. "Yeah, I guess I'm the one to blame for that. Luke showed up at my house and begged me to join him again."

The brunette's eyes widened. "You're the one who stabbed Luke?!"

"I was so tired of him thinking he could resurface the past feelings I had for him and use them against me."

She got up and paced around. I shot Percy an apology look. He only shrugged in response.

"This isn't good, Annie. Especially not for Percy."

My eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?" She glanced back and forth between us for a moment. "Have you ever wondered why Luke seems so familiar?" Her question seemed to be directed at the boy sitting next to me. She didn't wait for his answer. "Percy.. Luke's your cousin."

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