Entry no. 1

513 30 13

04/06/2014             ???00:00???

Depresssion, Cutting, thoughts of suicide.

These are all things that have ran though my mind at one point or another. It's all pointless! I tell myself as I dig the blade deeper into my skin. When these thoughts overwhelm me, I escape to the only place I have friends: Wattpad. I love writing because you  can escape into a whole different world. It helps me release my inner feelings.  What about you?  Leave it in the comments below. I would love to hear. If you guys ever figured out who I am, you would be shocked. I hide these thoughts under my cheerful kind personality here. But anways, to get to the point, yes. I cut. Yes. I am severly depressed. But guess what? You keep me going. That's right. You. Every little read I get, every person I talk to, makes my spirits soar. I guess what I am trying to say here is... don't be like me. I screwed up. The world is your oyster!

     Thanks for reading,


Thanks to those who are reading this!

Updates for now will be every Wenesday and Saturday (London time), hopefully the head won't forget!

PS: The diary entries all vary in lenght, depending on how much the Wattpader is willing to write in that moment :)

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