Skipping Gym part 3 ( Craig x Tweek)

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Tweek POV:

I held onto my arm as the pain throbbed through me. There's a horrible ringing in my ears and I'm dizzy with every step.

Flinching I make it to my seat, about 10 minutes too early for class.
I shake with pain let a few tears drop onto my desk with a shiver. Craig saw everything... He didn't care I was beaten up, as usual. Why am I not surprised. Why would he care anyway?

Why do I like an asshole like him?

Tweek wiped his eyes and sniffles , a drip of blood smearing across his cheek.

He lay his head down and closed his eyes for a moment, the ringing getting worse and worse. The distant sounds of people walking in for class made him groan, a hot and metallic taste hit his lips. The room spinning.

" Tweek!?"

Who's calling me?

" Tweek are you okay?!"

I flinch as someone moves me, my vision blurring. Ugh man...make the damn ringing stop would ya?  I look down at the small pool of blood on my desk and barely make sense of what is going on.
I sigh " I'll c-clean it up in a m-m-minute" I mumble.

Two strong arms hoist me up and carry me out quickly. Whoever it is, they smell like a strange mixture of hot Cologne and sweat.

And It smelled nice.

I hear the rumble of his voice over the  hum of constant monotonous ringing and I try to understand what is going on " I got you, you're okay"

His heart pounding.

Next thing I know, I black out.

Craig POV:

I followed him quickly back to class, a spot of blood every few feet marked his trail.
"Shit...Cartman got him bad this time"

Usually I follow to make sure he's  okay, just to see how he's doing. I know that's ridiculous but I don't know what else to do for him , not yet.

I peer my head into the classroom the trail lead to, and sure enough there he was. His head on the desk sleeping it off.
I sigh angrily, that bastard I'm gonna kill him one day. As I turn to leave him be I hear the sound of a splatter. Then I notice it.
The blood dripping from around Tweek's head. Its pooling from his ears onto the desk and dripping onto the floor.
My jaw drops in terror -shit! Whats going on!?-
I run over without thinking "Tweek!?"

Looking down at the pool of blood his head now rests in " Tweek!? Are you okay!?"
What a stupid thing to say...

Does he look okay!?

Craig grabbed hold of him and Tweek mumbled something as he was hoisted up that Craig didn't hear as he stared down in shock over Tweek's pale face drenched in his own blood.

Running out of the classroom he looked for a nurse holding Tweek close to his chest.
" its okay! you're okay!  I've got you " he trembled panicking and panted frantically looking around as the blood soaked his shirt.
Reaching the office he pushed open the door and lay Tweek on the bed
" he was beat up! A-and now he's...!"

Craig was white as he watched the nurse check him over, cleaning the blood off of him.

Tweeks eyes opened for a second to look at him as he mumbled again, then he groaned passing out.

Craig bit his lip , unable to understand what he said. The nurse shooed him out and slammed the door fast.
I slumped into a chair in the office hallway stunned and glanced down at Tweek's blood on my hands...

Regret pouring through me like an unstoppable hurricane.

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